To assist the Senior Youth Worker in the delivery of community based, group learning programmes to young people in a variety of locations.
The Grade of these posts are Grade 1 / Level 3 and the hourly rate is from £13.48 to £13.63.
Post A: Ayr North - Details below:
(3 posts x 3 hour per week with an annual salary, adjusted to a term time work pattern, from £1,811 to £1,898)
(6 posts x 2 hours per week with an annual salary, adjusted to a term time work pattern, from £1,207 to £1,265)
Post B: Ayr South - Details below:
(5 hours per week with an annual salary, adjusted to a term time work pattern from £3,018 to £3,164)
Post C: North & South Carrick - Details below:
(2 posts x 3.5 hour per week with an annual salary, adjusted to a term time work pattern from £2,113 to £2,214)
(1 post x 3 hour per week with an annual salary, adjusted to a term time work pattern, from £1,811 to £1,898)
(1 post x 2.5 hours per week with an annual salary, adjusted to a term time work pattern, from £1,509 to £1,582)
(3 posts x 2 hours per week with an annual salary, adjusted to a term time work pattern, from £1,207 to £1,265)
Post D: Troon & Prestwick - Details below:
(10 posts x 2 hours per week with an annual salary, adjusted to a term time work pattern, from £1,207 to £1,265)