Working within a bustling atmosphere as part of passionate team this role as a Car Park Assistant plays a core part in providing fantastic customer service.
Hours: This role is an hourly paid, fixed term role. Wherever possible we aim to offer a consistent working pattern, but we’re looking for flexibility as it may be necessary for us to alter this pattern from time to time to suit the needs of the business. We’d give you as much notice of this as possible.
Working on a flexible rota planned a few months in advance, regular weekend and school holiday working is required, as these are our busiest times, but this won't be every weekend or weekday during school holidays. A typical shift is 10:30am – 2:30pm. At our quieter times you’ll work 4 hours a week, increasing up to 20 hours a week during peak periods.
Salary: £11.50 an hour
Duration: Fixed Term Contract until 6 January 2026
Interview date: Wednesday 5th February 2025
Potential start date: 1st March 2025
For this role, you’ll need to complete our online assessment instead of using a C.V. or online application form. This will help us understand more about your strengths and give you more information on the role.
Gan weithio mewn awyrgylch brysur fel rhan o dîm angerddol, byddwch yn chwarae rhan greiddiol wrth ddarparu gwasanaeth gwych i gwsmeriaid.
Oriau: Mae hon yn swydd a delir fesul awr am gyfnod penodol. Pryd bynnag sy’n bosibl, rydym yn ceisio cynnig patrwm gwaith cyson, ond rydym yn chwilio am hyblygrwydd oherwydd efallai y bydd angen i ni addasu’r patrwm hwn o bryd i’w gilydd i gyd-fynd ag anghenion y busnes. Byddem yn rhoi cymaint o rybudd â phosib o hyn i chi. Bydd y swydd yn cynnwys gweithio ar benwythnosau a Gwyliau Banc, ond nid oes gofyn gweithio gyda'r nos na shifftiau hollt.
Yn gweithio ar rota hyblyg sydd wedi ei threfnu ychydig o fisoedd ymlaen llaw, mae gweithio yn ystod penwythnosau a gwyliau ysgol yn ofynnol, gan mai’r rhain yw ein hamseroedd prysuraf, fodd bynnag, ni fydd hyn yn ystod bob penwythnos na phob diwrnod o’r wythnos yn ystod gwyliau’r ysgol. Mae’r sifft arferol o 10:30am - 2:30pm. Yn ystod ein hamseroedd llai prysur, byddwch yn gweithio 4 awr yr wythnos, gyda’r oriau yn cynyddu hyd at 20 awr yr wythnos yn ystod y cyfnodau prysuraf.
Cyflog: £11.50 y awr
Hyd: Cytundeb Cyfnod Penodol 6 Ionawr 2026
Dyddiad cyfweld: Dydd Mercher 5 Chwefror 2025
Dyddiad dechrau posibl: 1 Mawrth 2025
Ar gyfer y swydd hon, bydd angen ichi gwblhau ein hasesiad ar-lein yn hytrach na defnyddio C.V. neu ffurflen gais ar-lein. Bydd hyn o gymorth i ni ddeall mwy am eich cryfderau ac i chi gael mewnwelediad i’r swydd.
What it's like to work here
You’ll be joining an existing team of three car park assistants, working together or by yourself during our quieter periods, and reporting to the Property Operations Manager. As a car park assistant at Erddig, you are the first face our visitors see, and often the first person they’ll talk to, so you’ll need to know what’s going on at the property each day and be happy to have a chat. At our busiest times, the role requires some quick thinking and flexibility, working closely with your colleagues and communicating clearly in person and via radio, to maximise our car parking capacity. You’ll also need to keep the car park area clear of litter and report any damage you might come across.
Erddig’s visitor numbers continue to grow, especially during the winter months, so you’ll be joining us at an exciting time. Past and current Car Park Assistants have been successful in developing into other roles on site, and you would also be supported in training and development to do so if they arise.
What you'll be doing
You’ll be working outside, meeting and greeting our visitors, providing help and guidance on where to park and may be required to sell parking tickets. You'll help to keep the car park and surrounding area in good order, and provide a courteous and informative service to our visitors.
You’ll also be responsible for answering queries and making sure visitors can find everything they need for their visit. When interacting with our customers, you’ll inform them of the amazing work we are doing and what their money is funding, promoting local projects or promoting our cause.
As this is an outdoors role, you'll need to be comfortable working in all weather conditions.
Byddwch yn gweithio y tu allan, yn cyfarfod ac yn cyfarch ein hymwelwyr, yn darparu help ac arweiniad ar ble i barcio ac efallai y bydd angen i chi werthu tocynnau parcio. Byddwch yn helpu i gadw'r maes parcio a'r ardal gyfagos mewn cyflwr da, ac yn darparu gwasanaeth cwrtais ac addysgiadol i'n hymwelwyr.
Gan fod hon yn rôl awyr agored, bydd angen i chi fod yn gyfforddus yn gweithio ym mhob tywydd.
Gallwch edrych ar y proffil swydd lawn sydd ynghlwm. Nid oes angen i chi feddu ar yr holl wybodaeth, sgiliau a phrofiad ar y rhestr; dim ond llun llawn ydyw o’r hyn sy’n bosib yn y swydd hon.