To provide a quality needs led service for young people 16+ who are preparing to leave care and to provide their support post care in a sensitive manner that reflects the authority's equalities policy.
To act as an advocate for service users and to take on a quality assurance role, by ensuring pathway plans are specifically tailored to the service users’ needs and have clear identifiable objectives and outcomes;
To operate in a mobile flexible service necessitating staff to carry out planned duties as an essential part of their working life
To provide a personal advisor role for all categories of young people under section 104 as required by the Social services and Wellbeing Act 2014 and Children (leaving care) Act 2000 including the production and review of the pathway plan post 18.
To have case responsibility for young people post 18 and ensure their pathway plans are reviewed every six months and changed to reflect their circumstances.
To assess, negotiate, determine and agree outcomes in relation to the young person's health, education and financial needs;
To help all young people contribute to an assessment of their needs prior to their 16th birthday;
To offer direct support to young people who live independently, and coordinate their support with issues such as, education and training and to advise them on maximising their income;
To assess young people’s financial needs on behalf of the county council and to organise payments using the 16+ financial systems in accordance with Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council’s 16+ policies and procedures
In accordance with Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council 16+ policy and procedures, distribute emergency and miscellaneous payments/birthday/festivity allowances to young people and help the young person manage their setting up home allowances on behalf of the county council
To provide support to young people once they have left care by providing a range of individual and group work sessions designed to improve their life skills, relieve social isolation and enhance peer support
To maintain positive links with a range of accommodation providers including supported lodgings, in order to promote positive choice and good quality accommodation for young people
To help young people develop positive relationships with their peers and other adults and contribute to the community in which they live. To enable them to acquire adequate practical living skills and move them forward in identifying and securing education, training or employment;
To co-ordinate young people's time with family and friends where needed and assist them in maintaining relationships with their family and other relevant people and to increase their ability to understand the nature of relationships
To undertake assessments of young people’s plans in relation to their education, employment and training needs;
To maintain regular contact with the young people and to ensure that they are aware of the anticipated frequency of contact and the service being offered;
To work with Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council 16+ policies and procedures.
Candidate requirements
Required documents at candidate submission
Must have
The worker must be eligible to work in the UK
Must have
Confidentiality Agreement
Must have
Must have
2 Years References/Work History
Must have
Social Care Wales Registration
Must have
DBS Summary Form