To receive and welcome patients and relatives to the department and direct them to the appropriate waiting area. To assist the reception team by adding waiting lists, collating notes, processing outcomes, and prepping case notes.
To ensure the In Touch system is kept up to date and to deal with telephone and verbal enquiries from patients, relatives, consultants, other departments, and GP practices in a courteous manner, seeking advice when required.
To develop knowledge and understanding of the APNs (Administrative Procedure Notes) regarding the preparation and management of patient case notes. The post holder will be required to support other areas such as appointment bookings and all stations within the REI.
To input patient outcomes onto the Trust's patient system and assist patients with any queries relating to Hospital Transport.
To assist teams with sending out patient letters. Letters will be sent to patients, GPs, and other health professionals. The post holder will need to understand and use the correct envelope depending on the recipient of the letter.
Actively manage patients on a referral to treatment pathway, using the referral to treatment primary target list.