To fulfil the Education Authority’s (EA) duties in supporting families and schools to ensure that all children of compulsory school age can engage regularly with education and promote a culture of positive school attendance, resolving issues that present as barriers to attending education. The service delivery model within which EWOs operate will offer a tiered approach to delivery: preventative universal support to children and young people, direct support programmes targeted at need and implemented as early as possible, and support for children and young people requiring intensive intervention. Education Welfare Officers (EWOs) will focus on prevention and early intervention regarding attendance issues to improve educational outcomes for children and young people
1. In partnership with schools, implement Department of Education (DE) policy, circulars and strategies related to school attendance and improving attendance.
2. Promote a range of interventions including trauma informed practice for children and young people, families and educational settings that promotes positive school attendance and supports young people to overcome barriers to attending school.
3. Develop and deliver a range of evidence-based training and capacity building programmes for staff in schools and EOTAS relating to themes supporting school attendance, promoting a positive culture and ethos of attendance, prioritising the impact of positive relationships. ethos
4. Develop and deliver a range of evidence-based informative and preventative programmes directly to parents and carers, to support and enable positive school attendance.
5. Facilitate a range of evidence-based informative and preventative programmes for groups of young people to promote and support their attendance and engagement in education prioritising the impact of positive relationships.
6. Provide advice, guidance and improvement work with school leaders and pastoral staff regarding a positive culture on school attendance, including dissemination and implementation of effective attendance policy and practice.
Prevention and Early Intervention
7. Develop and deliver to sector, school, year and class groups regionally consistent evidence-based initiatives and programmes targeted at needs.
8. Deliver evidence-based programmes tailored to effective transitions at all key points in a child’s educational journey.
9. Work in partnership with principals and teaching staff in the identification of attendance, wellbeing, and welfare issues in the setting, leading or contributing, to interdisciplinary working through multi-disciplinary meetings (such as MAST) regarding challenges faced by schools/educational settings in pupil’s attendance, welfare, and wellbeing.
10. Support schools with the referrals process to the service for individual and group support and intervention, and following this, undertake an initial assessment and implement an appropriate action plan with the young person designed to ensure their return or maintenance at school. Be responsible for the delivery of the continuum of support and interventions from the service to a number of school and EOTAS Centres, as and when required, in relation to identified needs of the school community, to include those in special schools with complex needs.
11. Deliver programmes of intervention and support to parents/carers and families to support positive school attendance.
Focused Interventions
12. Participate in Team around the Child/School meetings and deliver on action plans in accordance with the Team around the Child/School Framework.
13. Deliver intensive support programmes to children and families and school settings, as required, to support significant change with school attendance and to avoid need for legal interventions.
14. Chair and report on Education Support Meetings (ESMs) as part of the service and statutory processes and contribute to Education Planning meetings and the outworkings of any agreed plan.
15. Work in partnership with other relevant/appropriate agencies prior to legal proceedings including use of the service’s Complex Case Panels.
16. Liaise with legal services and identify appropriate legal action in relation to non-attendance and education process and make written assessments and presentation of cases to the service’s Complex case, Court, and other relevant panels.
17. Prepare and collate information for prosecution cases and provide evidence, reports and other requisite documentation for Magistrate/Youth/Appeals or Family Proceedings Courts, and attend court hearings, as necessary. Act and direct as supervisor for Education Supervision Orders when granted.
18. Provide advice and guidance and support to expelled children and young people and their families around alternative school provisions and school placements.
Multi-Disciplinary Working and Partnerships
19. Work with partners to facilitate and implement community development opportunities relevant to need and supportive of improved school attendance.
20. Work in partnerships with relevant EA services identifying a range of initiatives to target key groups, issues impacting on attendance such as bullying, anxiety-based school refusal, drugs and alcohol, poverty, refugee/newcomers to improve the school outcomes for young people.
21. Support parents and carers to promote resilience and their capacity to achieve school attendance using a range of established interventions. Mediate and facilitate communication between pupils, parents, and schools for the purposes of positive school attendance using a range of skills, restorative, mediation, advocacy, and child centred interventions.
22. Advocate for young people within restorative practice solutions, peer mentoring and connection with community support services through Family Support Hubs, suspension and repeat suspensions, consultation meetings/expulsion processes and other appropriate processes.
23. Proactively engage with EOTAS and youth provisions and other settings where children are at risk of disengagement from education and work on collaborative approaches to promote school attendance.
24. Provide support, guidance and direction to staff in other roles within EWS, as appropriate.
25. Work in collaboration with post-16 providers to support improved outcomes for individual and groups of young people.
26. Contribute to the protection of children and young people from abuse and harm, being fully conversant of NI regional child protection legislation and guidance identifying signs of abuse and responding appropriately to signs or disclosures.
27. Represent the EA at formal meetings and contribute to case conferences and multi-disciplinary forums, ensuring the welfare of the child/young person is paramount in line with The Children Order (NI) 1995.
28. Advise employers, pupils, parents, and schools of relevant regulations to promote the protection of children and young people from abuse or exploitation. To work in partnership with CPSS (EA) to ensure protection of identified young persons.
29. Develop close working relationships with Trusts, CAMHS, Family Support Hub, Justice Services and other voluntary and community partners working in interdisciplinary practices and multi-systemic approaches to support improved outcomes for young people, representing at service in Case Conferences and Core group meetings as required.
30. Participate in Team Around the Child, Team Around the Family, and Team Around the School Frameworks in promoting effective multi-systemic and interdisciplinary working with schools, education, health, justice, and community partners.
Intervention Monitoring and Evaluation
31. Deliver the continuum of support from the service within appropriate outcomes-based accountability frameworks for the Service.
32. Deliver the service from a relationship-based and strength-based approaches for all programmes and interventions.
33. Maintain contemporaneous, accurate and complete written records of all interventions in accordance with education welfare service policy and procedures. Involvement in data and evidence gathering for the purposes of measuring service outcomes and improvement.
34. Implement appropriate evaluation procedures in assessing the impact and conclusion of interventions and supports with young people, families, and schools.
35. Take responsibility for the management, evaluation, and further development of professional competencies through effective use of supervision, appraisal, and management of workload.
36. Promote and maintain good working practice by regular review and so contribute to the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the education welfare service in line with the EA corporate and resource allocation plans.
37. Lead and contribute to task and finish groups as appropriate to the needs of the service area for schools, areas, localities, and the region.
Other responsibilities
38. Uphold and promote the United Nations Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
39. Comply with EA’s duty to cooperate as per Children's Services Co-operation Act, 2015.
40. Promote service users’ rights to the confidentiality of information in accordance with GDPR.
41. Contribute to effective team practice, training, and keep informed of best practice, actively participate in the development of good practice and to take individual responsibility for service improvement and the promotion of regionally consistent practice with EWS.
42. Deputise for senior staff as appropriate.
43. Ensure continuous professional development in line with professional requirements fostering a supportive learning environment across the service and ensuring adherence to any professional registration requirements.
44. Maintain registration requirements with NISCC on part 1 or 2 of the live register.
45. Support student placements and their learning and practice.
46. Take appropriate action to maintain personal safety and security and identify the hazards and evaluate the risks in your workplace. Undertaking Risk Assessment training and identifying potential risk in advance of Home Visits.
47. Ensure that the EA’s policy on Data Protection (processing sensitive personal information) is properly complied with.
48. Ensure that the EA’s Equal Opportunities Policy, relevant Codes of Employment and Practice and other relevant legislation are adhered to.
49. Participate as required in the selection and appointment of staff in accordance with the policy and procedures laid down by the EA.
50. Undertake other related duties within the grade and competence of the post-holder as required.
This job description will be subject to review considering changing circumstances and the EWS Transformation programme and is not intended to be rigid and inflexible but should be regarded as providing guidelines within which the individual works. Other duties of a similar nature and appropriate to the grade may be assigned from time to time.
In accordance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998), the post-holder is expected to promote good relations, equality of opportunity and always pay due regard for equality legislation.
To view the summary of terms and conditions for this post,