Full Job Description
Key Tasks and Responsibilities of the Post
1. To embed competency frameworks.
2. To provide holistic evidence-based/best practice care to patients in accordance with National and Trust approved policies/procedures and individual care plans.
3. To be responsible for specialist assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of care packages on a day-to-day basis with support from the Clinical Nurse Specialist/Team Manager/Team Leaders and in their absence.
4. To problem solve and liaise with the Community Team Manager/Team Leaders regarding any problems that may arise.
5. To be involved in triaging referrals, preventative strategies, maintenance of lower limb health, and discharge planning.
6. To maintain accurate records, which are confidential, contemporaneous, legible, and all care given must be documented.
7. To oversee the standard of patients' records by audit or peer review and have regular open discussions with team members including caseload supervision.
8. To undertake comprehensive risk assessments of all situations associated with the care of patients to ensure nurse and patient safety.
9. To comply with all infection control policies and guidance, attend relevant updates, and report issues of concern to their immediate line manager.
10. To monitor and maintain the health, safety, and security of self, others in the team, and patients.
11. To be conversant with the vulnerable adult and child protection procedures and policies of Livewell Southwest.
12. To organize own time management daily in line with service demands, balancing patient needs with the administrative aspects of the role.
13. To work within challenging environments across varying localities within the Livewell footprint.
14. To act as a clinical advisor on health care issues within their area of expertise and act as a Link Nurse.
15. To provide education and continuing support to patients, family, and carers.
16. To identify areas of improvement in practice and communicate to the Community Team Manager/Team Lead.
17. To undertake health promotion as requested to all age groups and contribute to planned health promotion activities.
18. To be aware of organizational, professional, and national developments within primary care and work within these guidelines.
19. To initiate and participate in Clinical Supervision and mentorship.
20. To be involved in audit and research.
21. To abide by Livewell Southwest approved policies, patient group directives, standards, and quality assurance initiatives.
22. To be involved in all aspects of clinical governance including audits and effective and safe use of resources and equipment.
23. To share knowledge and information to promote a cohesive team.
24. To manage own workload and delegate nursing care to appropriately skilled staff in the absence of the Community Team Manager/Team Leader.
25. To act as a role model for all staff and students demonstrating specialist clinical skills.
26. To participate in team activities to develop a cohesive and supportive team.
27. To contribute to national and local Trust-wide policy development.
28. To utilize resources economically and effectively and promote cost-effectiveness throughout the service.
29. To ensure that all loans of equipment are monitored and maintained in good working order as per operational policy.
30. To complete on time and submit all necessary forms and documentation.
31. To preserve confidentiality and be aware of the Data Protection Act, Access to Health Records, and Consent for Treatment.
32. To have a flexible approach to the working day to meet the needs of the patient/service.
33. To report to the line manager any untoward incidents and take appropriate action.
34. To support work colleagues and ensure they are aware of Livewell Southwest support services available to them.
35. To develop and maintain effective and appropriate communication networks with other members of the Primary Health Care Team and other agencies.
36. To provide and receive complex, sensitive, and confidential information.
37. To act as a patient advocate as required ensuring individual needs, preferences, and choices are delivered by the service.
38. To work within the NMC Code and remain updated and competent ensuring that clinical practice is evidence-based.
39. To participate in an annual appraisal of their work in line with the Knowledge and Skills Framework.
40. To maintain own professional expertise by attending meetings, study days, conferences, and in-service training.
41. To assess, teach, support, and supervise colleagues including Pre-registration nursing students and medical students.
42. To take responsibility for own personal professional development and education.
Emotional Effort: Nurses deal with emotional issues of patients and relatives at every patient contact.
Mental Effort: Need to concentrate on a continual basis throughout the day performing in-depth assessments, problem-solving skills, and decision-making.
Physical Effort: Daily likelihood to exert moderate physical effort for several long periods during a shift.
Working Conditions: Potential exposure to verbal and physical aggression and contact with unpleasant working conditions.