1. Working in accordance with practice and local policies, ensuring that all work and procedures are undertaken in accordance with issued guidelines and protocols. 2. Working from the surgery and within communities as an autonomous practitioner caring for patients and families with a holistic approach. 3. Assessing, diagnosing and treating patients presenting with minor illness/ailments through clinical triage ensuring clinical practice is safe, effective and remains within boundaries of competence acknowledging limitations and seeking help appropriately. 4. Undertaking the collection of pathological specimens including intravenous blood samples, swabs etc. Perform investigatory procedures as requested by the GPs. 5. Initiating any further investigations where appropriate making any necessary referrals to other members of the primary health care team or liaising with patients registered GP with queries regarding any secondary care referrals as necessary. 6. Prescribing/issuing medications as appropriate following policy, patient group directives and local pathways. 7. Maintaining accurate, contemporaneous healthcare records appropriate to the consultation. 8. Actively promote self-care and provide opportunistic health promotion. 9. Ensuring collection and maintenance of statistical information required for regular and ad hoc reports, QOF and audit. 10. Ensuring evidenced-based care is delivered at the highest standards, working collaboratively with the MDT to improve and deliver high quality patient care. 11. Enhancement of own performance through Continuous Professional Development, imparting own knowledge and behaviour to meet the needs of the service. 12. Achievement of agreed standards of personal and professional development in order to meet the needs of the service. 13. Formally and informally impart knowledge and skills to colleagues promoting peer review and best practice within the work environment. 14. Participation in the education and training of registrars and students of all disciplines and the introduction of all members of the practice staff where appropriate. 15. The ability to communicate at all levels within the team ensuring an effective service is delivered. 16. The ability to contribute positively to the effectiveness and efficiency of the team and work colleagues. 17. The attendance and participation in practice meetings as required. 18. Any other duties that may be required and agreed by the Doctors and Management Team.