Job title: Non-Executive Directors
Salary: This is a fee paid role. You will be paid a monthly fee of £352.50 plus reasonable expenses. The remuneration fee may be subject to review and revision. If appointed to the role of Chair, the role will attract a premium. You will be paid the standard fee of £282 a day for additional duties e.g. interview panels.
Location: Head Office is based in Cardiff, but the role is currently remote with occasional face to face meetings in Wales.
Contract type: Fixed Term: Appointments will normally be for a period of 3 years. This term may be extended by HMCI to provide continuity through changeovers but the maximum total term of appointment will be no more than six years. Former Non-Executive Directors of our Strategy Board are not excluded from applying but their applications will be considered on the same basis as applications from any other candidates applying for the role. The maximum total term of appointment with Estyn will be no more than six years.
Closing date for applications: 7 April 2025
Brief introduction about the team and/or organisation: We are the education and training inspectorate for Wales. Our aim is to improve the quality of education and training for learners in Wales. One of our key roles is to inspect education and training in Wales to give assurance to the public and government regarding educational standards. We help education providers, such as schools and colleges, to improve quality and outcomes. We also advise the Welsh Government about educational policy and prepare reports on a wide range of educational issues and themes.
Purpose of the role
As a member of our Strategy Board, you will have an advisory role. Non-Executive Directors do not have a decision-making role.
You will:
1. widen the horizons of the Strategy Board in determining strategy by bringing your different relevant experiences and backgrounds
2. ensure our decisions and approaches continue to place learners at their heart
3. constructively challenge the policy formulation process
4. contribute to policy development
5. support and monitor the performance and progress of management in meeting objectives and goals
6. satisfy yourselves that financial information is reliable and that financial controls and systems of risk management are robust
The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee advise our Accounting Officer on:
1. the strategic processes for risk, control and governance and the Annual Governance Statement
2. the accounting policies, and the accounts, including the process for review of the accounts prior to submission for audit, levels of error identified and management’s letter of representation to external auditors
3. the planned activity and results of both internal and external audit
4. the adequacy of management response to issues identified by audit activity, including external audit’s Management Letter
5. assurances relating to our corporate governance requirements
6. proposals for tendering for Internal Audit services or for purchase of non-audit services from contractors who provide such services
7. anti-fraud policies, whistle-blowing processes, and arrangements (if any) for special investigation
Non-Executive Directors/Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Members are not employees and don’t take part in the day-to-day business of the organisation.
You will be accountable to HMCI as Accounting Officer but are able to raise governance issues of concern directly with the appropriate Accounting Officer within the Welsh Government.
Key responsibilities of the role
Essential criteria:
* Applicants must be able to evidence in your application, and if shortlisted demonstrate at interview, proven competence in the following areas:
* Ability to think strategically with due sensitivity to wider political and organisational priorities
* Good interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate clearly, concisely and persuasively within a team environment and a willingness to challenge
* Using sound judgement – able to evaluate complex issues, weigh up conflicting opinions, and think and plan ahead
* Significant experience or skills in one or more of the following areas:
o Leadership
o Strategic thinking
o Financial management (for at least one of the roles)
o Measuring and managing performance
o Understanding of public sector organisations (for at least one of the roles)
o Background in education and training
o Governance
o Audit and risk management
o Understanding of the context within which Estyn works, including the relationship with the Welsh Government
o A commitment to and understanding of promoting equality, diversity and inclusion
A commitment to promote the Seven Principles of Public Life.
Welsh language
We encourage the importance of developing and growing bilingual capabilities in public appointments in Wales. While Welsh language skills are not necessarily essential for this role, applicants are expected to show an appreciation of bilingualism and a commitment to promoting and mainstreaming the Welsh language. We welcome your application whatever your skill level.
Applying for the role:
Closing date: 10:00am on 7th April.
You are able to apply in Welsh or English. An application submitted in Welsh will not be treated less favourably than an application submitted in English. Your application may be translated into Welsh or English (depending on the majority language of the panel).
Our recruitment processes are based on the principle of selection for appointment on merit on the basis of fair and open competition. We follow the Civil Service Commission’s Recruitment Principles.