To achieve and maintain a high standard of radiographic/imaging techniques in all areas of general radiography and fluoroscopy. To ensure that the department's identification policy is adhered to and that all patients are correctly identified prior to undergoing any imaging procedures. To work without direct clinical supervision and to provide mobile imaging to patients who are too ill to attend the x-ray department. To be competent in Theatre radiography and be able to manipulate the equipment to provide high-quality images in a wide range of surgical procedures.
To be competent in fluoroscopy imaging as well as the preparation of the room and equipment for procedures within the fluoroscopy department and ensure that final images are correctly sent to and available on PACS for the radiologist/advanced practitioner at the end of the exam as required. To be competent to work within the A&E imaging environment and be able to adapt techniques and to provide further views in trauma situations as necessary. To promote a patient-focused service in a caring environment and ensure collaborative working relationships with all other departments. To command a working knowledge of all equipment in the areas to which the radiographer is assigned.
To ensure radiographic equipment is functioning correctly, to report any faults or errors to the senior member of staff for the area and make an appropriate record in the fault log. To assist in the Departmental QA program and work in accordance with departmental policies, protocols, and procedures. To take part in the 24-hour Imaging service to provide radiographic cover under current or future terms and conditions. Out of hours duties will form part of the contracted hours per week, subject to AfC pay enhancements.
To ensure that the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017, IRMER 2017 and associated codes of practice and guidance notes, and the Health and Safety at Work Act are understood and adhered to in respect of staff, patients, and members of the public. To always behave in a professional manner in attitude, neatness of appearance, punctuality, and competence, thereby upholding the reputation of the department and the hospital. To assist in the achievement of departmental objectives in the training of student radiographers. To be able to undertake clerical duties when required.
To be aware of essential procedures and take appropriate action in the event of cardiac arrest, major incident, or fire. To ensure practice is evidence-based and is in line with local policies and procedures.