Supporting the Garden and Estate Manager to ensure the conservation and practical maintenance of the garden and wider policies - whether through delegation to other staff/volunteers, or personal participation - in terms of:
* Care and development of the internationally significant Brodie Daffodil Collection.
* Practical horticulture (e.g. managing trees and shrubs, herbaceous plants, half-hardies, annuals and bulbs; turf care; pest/disease/weed control; composting and soil improvement; hard-landscaping; path care, polytunnel care and plant propagation of vegetables, herbs, along with maintaining biosecurity.
* Plantsmanship (e.g. the identification, knowledge and understanding of this high calibre plant collection, including recording and labelling using IrisBG database of individual plants and recognised collections).
* Research and development (eg. research into historical precedents and practical contemporary solutions to inform proposed activities and projects; support to the design and implementation of restoration and/or development projects).
* Interpretation (eg through the development and delivery of events such as introductory talks, weekly guided tours or practical demonstrations, contribution to guidebooks or leaflets).
* Ensuring an appropriate management regime of the garden and policies.