To provide technical support to the Trusts medicines management team, as the dedicated technician for the medicines information and clinical trials services. In accordance with local procedure, to provide detailed clinical and pharmaceutical information in response to queries from pharmacy staff, other healthcare professionals, service users and their carers. To perform literature, database and internet searches, and contact external agencies (e.g., pharmaceutical companies, other NHS trusts) as required in order to provide appropriate answers to enquiries. To take an active role in the training and development of medicines management staff with regard to medicines information. To provide detailed written information to support pharmaceutical care planning. To develop and implement policies and procedures relating to the trust medicines information service. To liaise with the regional medicines information unit, with regard to service development. To develop and maintain medicines information related databases. To provide statistics to the regional medicines information unit. To oversee distribution of medicines information literature within the trust. Refer to the job description and person specification for full details