NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We are committed to working with others to tackle both the climate emergency and biodiversity loss to ensure a nature-rich future for all. To help Scottish Government, other regulators and stakeholders deliver the required step change in marine enhancement work, we are looking for applications from people with a strong marine ecology background to join our team working in this area. The past few years have seen an increasing interest and focus on enhancing and restoring marine ecosystems in Scotland and a need for NatureScot to provide increasing levels of guidance and advice. The successful candidate will work in the Marine Ecosystems (ME) Activity Team and provide marine ecological advice on enhancement proposals and activities in relation to marine habitats and species, alongside our existing adviser. This advice is currently focussed on seagrass beds and native oysters but may expand into other habitats and species going forward. This will encompass advice to those looking to take forward marine enhancement projects, other NatureScot colleagues dealing with enquiries, Marine Scotland and other regulators dealing with policy, licensing and consents. Associated activities, depending upon capacity and expertise, may include input to research projects, guidance development relevant to marine enhancement and restoration, and representation of NatureScot on working groups and wider partnerships to develop further knowledge and working relationships in this area. Flexibility in working patterns and days can be provided to accommodate the suitable candidate.,
* Manage enquiries on marine enhancement focussed on benthic habitats and species and provide advice and support to project proposers, NatureScot staff, regulators and government.
* Work with colleagues and partners to identify and prioritise research and guidance needs relevant to marine habitat restoration, as necessary, and subsequent project management and delivery as required.
* Contribute to assessment of applications for project funding to support marine enhancement work, as well as development of partnership projects.
* Undertake relevant monitoring and evaluation to inform development of approaches to marine enhancement in Scotland, and contribute to marine reporting and assessment where required.
* Represent NatureScot at meetings/steering groups of inter-agency, government, partnership projects and similar groups relevant to marine habitat restoration.
* Contribute to the wider work of the Marine Ecosystems team., Whether working at home or in an office, or travelling to meetings and site visits, as a NatureScot you will contribute to our Net Zero plan, for example through positive carbon travel choices.
A degree in a relevant subject.
* A sound understanding of the marine ecology, habitats and species of Scotland and issues relating to their conservation and use.
* Clear understanding of conservation and planning legislation relevant to Scotland's seas and marine species.
* Knowledge and/or working knowledge of marine habitat and species enhancement/restoration, relevant to Scotland, including key issues, opportunities and challenges.
* Ability to provide informed, clear and focused advice on marine enhancement proposals to externals (including project proposers), colleagues in NatureScot and regulators.
* Ability to analyse, interpret and manage scientific information, experienced in the use of GIS
* Good communication skills - clear written and verbal presentation, and ability to communicate clearly to a variety audiences.
* Good interpersonal skills with a proven ability to work constructively and supportively in a team environment.
* Proven ability to plan and manage workloads, work to deadlines and adapt to changing priorities.
Prerequisites Required
* Proof of right to work in UK
* To undertake a Disclosure Scotland application
* Although Gaelic language is not a prerequisite it is a desirable skill in support of our commitment to our Gaelic Language Plan.
NatureScot's Net Zero commitment