You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP To lead the Primary Care operational groups specifically for GDS and GOS and provide support for GMS services as required. To ensure that the aims and objectives for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board pertaining to GDS, GOS and GMS services are clearly communicated to staff members within the Division. To provide leadership to the Service Development Managers on the operational implementation framework for the contracts/regulations for GDS, GOS and GMS. COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS Using and understanding complex information, multi-factorial strands of communication both inside and external to the organisation. Provide leadership and direction across situations where highly complex ideas or concepts need to be conveyed and implemented across the organisation in easily understood language. Develop effective working relationships with all independent contractors within ABUHB to facilitate a transparent and collaborative approach to primary care developments within the Health Board. Develop close working relationships with the local professional bodies/committees for GDS and GOS along with GMS to facilitate good employee relations to enable the HB to deliver its financial targets and business objectives. To provide and receive highly complex, highly sensitive or highly contentious information. Where developed persuasive, motivational, negotiating, training, empathetic or reassurance skills are required. Required to overcome significant barriers to acceptance, drawing on the highest level of interpersonal communication skills. ANALYTICAL AND JUDGEMENT SKILLS Exercise judgement involving highly complex facts and figures and situations which require the analysis, interpretation, and comparison of a range of options, relating to primary care operational delivery. Able to analyse and assess conflicting information where expert opinion may differ, or information may not be viable relying on judgment and critical thinking to deliver an appropriate outcome. Exercise specialist knowledge across a range of managerial work procedures and practices underpinned by theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Interpret data from independent contractors for a variety of purposes to feed into service development. Creates reports from internal and external sources, in addition to those provided by the independent contractors, that allow evaluation of Health Board services. PLANNING AND ORGANISATION Formulate long term strategic plans for independent GDS and GOS along with GMS contractors, which reflect and fit with the Health Boards overall strategic plans and five-year framework. Implement Local Service Plans, which relate specifically to GDS and GOS along with GMS and monitor their implementation. Support Estates development and contribute to the Estates strategy. Plan and prioritise own work, to ensure effective support to all areas and delivery of key objectives. Regularly monitor and review plans and adjust for changes in local need and in response to changes in national policy guidance. Lead projects, across the Health Board to deliver innovation service improvements in Primary Care to reflect the agreed strategies and business plans. Responsible for effectiveness of activity monitoring as a means for ongoing review of services and their delivery against all improvement programmes. To review the strategy for delivery of GDS, GOS and GMS services in primary care and to facilitate the development of independent contractors to maximise efficiency of the service for patients and contractors. Ensure that changes implemented, and the policies written and concepts developed are in line with latest Welsh Governments guidelines and best practices. POLICY AND SERVICE DEVELOPMENT Ensuring that all strategies are fit for purpose, fair and transparent to support improved access and outcomes for patients and provide high quality care. Responsible for ensuring a range of Welsh Government policy is implemented for independent dental, optometry and community pharmacy contractor services. Implementation of a range of policy initiatives to deliver upon the Health Boards agenda for continuous improvement. Work with key partners within the Division to ensure collaborative schemes for delivery of strategy and service developments reflects ABUHB priorities. Develop models to modernise structures that support new ways of working and future service development.