LRCS Shared Family Living is looking for Home Care Providers in the Belknap and Southern Grafton County areas!
LRCS Shared Family Living (SFL) is currently recruiting caring persons to be Home Care Providers (HCP) for individuals with an Intellectual Delay or an Acquired Brain Injury. Individuals shall have their own room and receive support with daily living skills, assistance with medical appointments, support accessing their community, etc., depending upon the needs of the individual.
Home providers receive a tax-exempt, non-reportable stipend based on the difficulty of care for the individual. Providers also receive a stipend for Room and Board.
LRCS is always recruiting new home providers. Currently, we have an urgent need for providers for the following individuals:
An energetic and easy-going 72-year-old is seeking a Shared Family Living Provider in the Plymouth/Rumney area. Providers are responsible to provide a room, meals, oversee health care appointments and other care depending on this individual’s daily needs and abilities. She has active relationships with family, enjoys her community at Plymouth Senior Center, is a skilled crafter, and looks forward to keeping her connections with friends.
If you are passionate about providing direct care and support to individuals with developmental disabilities or acquired brain disorder, and would like to open up your home to an individual, this is the opportunity for you. Please contact us to inquire more!
Home providers must pass a background check. They receive training prior to an individual being placed in their home. LRCS provides continued support and training during the placement, as well as a 24-hour on-call system. If you are interested in applying to become a Shared Family Living home provider, please contact Trudy Poire at