We are looking for a creative and dedicated Teacher of Maths with a passion for their subject and a commitment to raising standards for all learners. The Maths department prides themselves on their students’ successes, friendly learning environment and innovative teaching.
This post is suitable for an ECT but there are also areas of responsibility and a TLR available within the department for the right candidate.
What we offer:
* Two-week October Half Term
* We support flexible working and have family friendly policies
* In class feedback policy which eliminates retrospective marking
* Curriculum driven assessment rather than exam weeks encouraging staggered assessment marking
* Concise curriculum design and centralised planning and resourcing
* Consistent, whole school commitment to learning systems leading to excellent student behaviour
* High quality CPD with implementation time to embed training
* Established coaching culture and focus on career progression
* Supportive appraisal policy and no formal observations
* No written school reports
* Paid lunch duties
* Centralised reflections (detentions)
* Colleagues can leave school every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:15pm (Monday/Tuesday - 4pm finish)
* Early finish at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.
* Nursery wrap around provision for staff members with children at SMSJ, staff are allocated a place for their children (in line with The School’s Admissions Policy)
* Access to free counselling and other wellbeing support
* Termly staff social events and tea and cake Fridays
* SMSJ school personalised staff planners
* Carpark and off-street parking
We are looking for somebody who:
* Has a passion for their subject
* Is able to demonstrate a talent for motivating and enthusing young learners to achieve their best
* Has rigorous planning and preparation skills
* Has the ability to problem-solve and manage classroom behaviour effectively
* Can be resilient under pressure
* Is self-reflective and committed to developing as a teacher
* Has excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Career Opportunities:
* A high-trust, supportive culture focused on innovation and continuing professional development
* Access to a confidential coach who will support you to hone your teaching practice
* Research-led attitudes towards teaching and learning including a real focus on exploring new ideas and taking risks
* A robust secondary phase feedback policy which eliminates the need for hours of unnecessary marking
* A focus on collaborative working in high performing subject teams
* A unique opportunity to develop skills and expertise in an all-through setting
* Opportunities for career progression
* The opportunity to teach A Level Physics.