Job responsibilities The day-to-day duties and responsibilities include but are not exclusive to: Overseeing the day-to-day operations of the practice, ensuring staff achieve their primary responsibilities. Functional management of all clinical and administrative staff. Direct line management of staff members as decided by the Partners Leading change and continuous improvement initiatives and coordinating projects within the organisation as directed by the GP partners. Ensure the practice maintains compliance with its NHS contractual obligations. Support the team to reach QOF targets. Coordinate GP partner meetings, produce agendas and minutes and distribute as appropriate. Ensure that actions from relevant meetings are actioned within agreed time scales. Ensure insurance policies are maintained for partners, premises and equipment. Ensure compliance with IT security and IG and complete and submit the annual Data Protection and Security Toolkit. Responsible for the practice registration with CQC, ensuring the registered manager and partner details are correct and submitting any changes as required. Responsible for ensuring CQC compliance across all domains and leading on inspections when required. To review all complaint responses once drafted. Liaising with the PCN & ICB and attending meetings as appropriate. Liaising with other external bodies and attending meetings as appropriate. Manage and maintain effective systems for the resolution of disciplinary and grievance issues. Ensure that all staff undertake a robust induction process including receiving the appropriate induction training. Responsibility to ensure that all staff have received the appropriate level of training to enable them to carry out their individual roles and responsibilities effectively and their development is regularly reviewed. Arrange and deliver training sessions as appropriate. Ensure that details of staff training are maintained. Ensure that annual staff appraisals are carried for all staff either by the Practice Manager or the appropriate Line Manager. Financial Management Work closely with the GP partner responsible to ensure effective financial management and control of the practice bank accounts and accounting systems. Work closely with the GP partners in relation to financial management including future financial planning and financial forecasting. Prepare budgets and cash flow forecasts. Liaise with the practice accountant on a timely basis. Ensure that all financial claims are submitted to the ICB, PCN and NHS England where appropriate within the deadlines set. This is to include claims made under any local and/or direct enhanced services and monthly submissions on the CQRS system. Health and Safety The management of the surgery site and ensuring that it is safely maintained. Take the lead on health and safety aspects of the practice and report to and support the GP partner responsible for health & safety. Ensure that procedures are in place to ensure that the buildings and property within it is secure at all times. Ensure that procedures are in place to ensure the security of personnel records and filing systems. Ensure that repairs/issues/defects relating to both the buildings and equipment is logged on the practice maintenance list and to liaise with contractors to arrange repairs accordingly. Ensure equipment is serviced and/or calibrated appropriately and that adequate records are maintained. Carrying out risk assessments and action plans as appropriate. Ensuring that procedures and policies are in place to support effective infection prevention and control measures, liaising with the infection prevention and control nurses during practice visits/inspections and reviewing the outcome of the audit and completing the follow-up actions. Carrying out monthly building checks. Administering the practice incident reporting policy. Recording of accidents and incidents appropriately and taking appropriate action including reporting as necessary to any outside agencies for example the Health and Safety Executive. Ensure that all staff are aware of and follow health and safety policies.