Lleoliad gwaith: Coed Pella
Mae yna gyfle i’r person cywir ymuno â’r tîm Hawliau Lles prysur mewn rôl newydd, gan ddarparu gwasanaeth cymorth effeithiol i’r Tîm Hawliau Lles.
Bydd deiliad y swydd yn ymgymryd ag amrywiaeth o ddyletswyddau, a all gynnwys trin galwadau, ymateb i negeseuon e-bost, trefnu apwyntiadau a diweddaru’r gronfa ddata cwsmeriaid.
Rhaid i ddeiliad y swydd fod â sgiliau TG a phrofiad o weithio gyda phecynnau TG Microsoft Office ac mae’n rhaid iddynt feddu ar arddull gyfeillgar dros y ffôn ac yn ysgrifenedig. Byddai profiad blaenorol o weithio mewn amgylchedd swyddfa prysur yn fanteisiol.
Bydd yr ymgeisydd cywir yn gallu codi ymwybyddiaeth o, ac annog pobl i fanteisio ar fudd-daliadau lles priodol, trwy helpu defnyddwyr gwasanaeth i gwblhau Gwiriadau Budd-daliadau a’u cyfeirio at wybodaeth a chyngor perthnasol.
Mae’r rôl hon wedi’i lleoli mewn swyddfa, a bydd deiliad y swydd yn gweithio yn ein swyddfa yng Nghoed Pella 5 diwrnod yr wythnos.
Mae’r gallu i gyfathrebu'n Saesneg yn hanfodol, ac mae’r gallu i sgwrsio’n rhwydd gyda chwsmeriaid yn Gymraeg hefyd yn hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd hon.
Wrth lenwi eich ffurflen gais, nodwch enghreifftiau fel tystiolaeth o’ch profiad.
O ganlyniad i natur y gwaith, bydd angen cael datgeliad boddhaol gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd (GDG).
Bydd dealltwriaeth o ofal cymdeithasol o gymorth, ond gellir ei dysgu yn ystod eich amser yn y swydd.
Goruchwyliaeth Reolaidd gan eich Rheolwr Tîm.
Mynediad i hyfforddiant drwy Ofal Cymdeithasol a rhaglenni hyfforddiant Corfforaethol, yn ogystal â hyfforddiant allanol os yw'n briodol.
Bod yn rhan o sefydliad sy’n sicrhau arferion gweithio diogel a llawn cefnogaeth, drwy bolisïau gweithwyr cadarn.
Mynediad i nifer o fuddio gweithwyr, gan gynnwys Buddion Conwy, a Ffit Conwy.
Gweithio mewn gofod swyddfa pwrpasol, sy’n agos i nifer o siopau, lleoedd bwyd o safon a choffi da!
Siaradwch â ni:
Os oes gennych chi unrhyw gwestiynau, neu os hoffech chi wybod mwy am y swydd hon, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â Ruth Barr, Rheolwr Tîm – Un Pwynt Mynediad a Hawliau Lles
E-bost: ruth.barr1@conwy.gov.uk Ffôn: 01492 574668
Work base: Coed Pella
There is an opportunity for the right person to join the busy Welfare Rights team in a new role, providing an effective support service for the Welfare Rights Team.
The post holder will carry out a range of duties, which may include call handling, responding to emails, arranging appointments and updating the customer data base.
The post holder must be IT literate with experience of working with Microsoft Office IT packages with a pleasant telephone and written manner. Previous experience of working in a busy office environment would be an advantage.
The right candidate will be able to raise the awareness of, and encourage, the take up of appropriate welfare benefits, through assisting service users in completing Benefit Checks and signposting to relevant information and advice.
The role is office based, 5 days a week, at our Coed Pella offices.
The ability to communicate in English is essential and the ability to converse at ease with customers in Welsh is also essential for this post.
When completing your application form, please provide examples evidencing your experience.
Due to the nature of the work, it will be necessary to obtain a satisfactory disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
An understanding of social care assists, but can be learned “on the job”.
Regular Supervision from your Team Manager
Access to training through the Social Care and Corporate training programmes, in addition to external training if appropriate.
Being part of an organisation that ensures safe and supportive work practices by way of robust employee policies.
Access to a number of employee benefits, including, Conwy Rewards and Conwy Ffit.
Work from a purpose built office space that is close to a variety of shops, quality food outlets and good coffee!
Talk to us:
If you have any questions or would like to know more about this role, please don’t hesitate to contact Ruth Barr, Team Manager – SPoA & Welfare Rights
Email: ruth.barr1@conwy.gov.uk Phone: 01492 574668
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme
Disability Confident
About Disability Confident
A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident .