Head of Science
(Main or Upper) Allowance: TLR 2b
September 2025 start
Purpose of Role
To ensure high quality planning, teaching, feedback, and evaluation, lead to an outstanding provision in Science.
• Is broad and ambitious whilst being fully in line with the National Curriculum and whole school priorities
• Is carefully sequenced to enable learners to use knowledge and develop skills over time
• Is based around activities that incorporate a high level of stretch and challenge for all learners
• embeds the development of specific knowledge, the use of knowledge organisers and accompanying review activities
• identifies high quality challenging resources and is specific about their use in the delivery of the curriculum
• has clear strategies for scaffolding the work to ensure all learners are challenged and can achieve
• ensures learners are fully equipped to continue their studies at the next key stage/university
To lead a team of teachers to:
• secure excellent teaching and learning across Science, including own teaching
• support teachers in addressing any gaps in their subject knowledge
• develop excellent shared teaching resources to ensure a consistently high standard of learning in every lesson <...