The Independent Monitoring Service is seeking to recruit professionals with experience of working with children and vulnerable adults to the role of Independent Visitor. The role of Independent Visitors is to provide visiting services on behalf of NYAS which are consistent with the National Quality Standards for Children’s Homes, Residential Special School Standards, Welsh National Minimum Standards, Health and Social Care Standards Scotland and CQC regulations. The main duties are: To undertake monthly visits to identified homes in accordance with the requirements of the relevant NYAS manager. These visits will be: Regulation 44 visits to residential children’s homes, short breaks and secure units. Regulation 25 visits to residential family centres. Care Quality Commission visits to residential adult homes. Care Inspectorate Wales regulation 8 visits to residential children’s homes. RSS20 visits to residential special schools. Health and social care standards Scotland residential children’s homes. Monitoring visits to unregulated provision. To undertake all tasks as identified by the relevant NYAS manager, during the visits and thereafter, in order to fulfil all aspects of the role. To provide factual reports within set timescales as required by the relevant NYAS manager. Candidates should have demonstrable knowledge and understanding of regulated services and their inspection frameworks and also knowledge of current legislation and statutory guidance relating to children, young people and adults at risk particularly those in residential care. Candidates must have experience of working within a social or health care organisation, safeguarding and experience of managing complex relationships across a diverse field, e.g. OFSTED inspectors, social workers, residential care workers and registered managers, health care professionals. Candidates should also possess a professional qualification in a related field, i.e. social work, residential care, health care professional, advocacy or youth work. You will also be required to complete annual safeguarding and compliance including, Personal Safety, Data Protection, Information Security, Safeguarding and Equality and Diversity. You will be able to subscribe to an e-learning platform provided by NYAS. The platform will provide you with the opportunity to undertake a number of other professional courses that you can complete in your own time to maintain your own CPD. You can do this on the e-learning platform at a significantly reduced cost compared to undertaking each course individually with different providers. This is a self-employed position and you will be paid a sessional rate. Note for candidates - when completing the application form, it is important that you refer to the person specification within the contract delivery specification and detail how you can evidence the criteria.