Liskerrett Community Centre is actively seeking individuals to join its management team as a Trustee. We are looking for new trustees who have the ambition to develop a community resource and the capacity to work with us to enhance the organisation over the coming years. We are particularly interested in candidates with skills and experience in property management, finance, funding, and legal aspects of such an organisation.
Liskerrett Community Centre was established in 2000 when the charity purchased the old Junior School and its associated land; a site of approximately one acre. Situated in the heart of Liskeard Town Centre, it is accessible and well-loved by the community it serves. The Community Centre has three main aspects to its work:
1. We hire out parts of our premises at affordable prices to small businesses, currently including artists, dance studios, and a café.
2. We hire out rooms on a sessional basis to local groups and clubs, including tai-chi, support groups, and the U3A.
3. We have a small number of employees who support the day-to-day running of the centre. Together with our volunteers, they facilitate and run a number of activities that generate income for the centre or meet the criteria for the grants we receive from the Integrated Care Board and various other charities, including Volunteer Cornwall.
It is a busy centre with an estimated throughput of 800 people per week, many of whom are elderly, lonely, frail, or vulnerable.
As a charitable company, the Community Centre is registered with both the Charities Commission and Companies House, and it is planned to convert to a CIO in the new year. It has a turnover of approximately £95,000 per year, 25% of which is currently provided from grants.
Liskerrett Community Centre presents real opportunities for development by providing facilities for artists and makers in the area. We have space to create a community pottery studio, a men’s ‘shed’, and a ‘hack’ space, as well as expand our artist and small business studios towards a thriving hub of creativity.
This is currently limited by the age of the main building, which is in need of updating to modern standards to improve access and enhance its energy efficiency. Other buildings on the site also require modernisation or more radical upgrades, being typical shorter-life later school buildings.
This year, there is the additional challenge presented by the building work on the adjacent Cattle Market site, which is limiting parking and access for some of our users.