Provide clinical informatics leadership to facilitate the discovery, development, adoption, and optimisation of delivery of digitally enabled change across NHS Wales. With an understanding of the current challenges across the wider health and wellbeing field, care delivery models, organisations and governance involved across the care pathway including their inter-relationships (e.g., Primary Care contractors, hospitals, ambulance services, care homes, community services) and how they influence the delivery of informatics projects/programmes. Establish and maintain credibility and effective communication and partnerships at all levels across the national programmes, internally within Digital Health & Care Wales (DHCW), with clinical and digital colleagues in Health Boards, NHS Wales peer groups (e.g. Medical Directors, Directors of Nursing and Therapies, Chief Pharmacists), Local Authorities, other professional groups and Welsh Government policy and clinical leaders. Understand clinical audit, clinical risk management, quality assurance, clinical effectiveness and staff development aligned to clinical governance frameworks, to use data and information effectively, to identify service improvements and determine how informatics can assist in the monitoring and implementation of healthcare services and standards. Horizon scan digital developments in your professional area of practice, identifying best practice, supporting clinical benefits realisation, and learning programmes.