A Vacancy at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust.
Locum Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist - ETT Brent CAMHS
Fixed-Term, Part-Time 6PAs
We are currently looking for a 6 PA consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist to work within the Brent CAMHS Enhanced Treatment Team within CNWL.
This is an exciting opportunity for an energetic, innovative and dedicated child and adolescent psychiatrist with special interest in complexity and trauma, and keen to work with a supportive, dynamic and passionate substantive consultant group and MDT clinicians.
There are opportunities for teaching and training, and strong links with Imperial College London to develop research interests..
This post attracts a generous annual leave entitlement, study leave, NHS pension scheme and other financial benefits, such asRelocation package for up to 8K(subject to eligibility) and a range of staff discounts including purchase and lease of new cars.
Whilst the post is a full time one we would consider applications for either a job share.
Further Information & Arrangements to visit
Dr Louise Morganstein, Lead Consultant C&A Psychiatrist
Tel: 020 3317 5050
Dr Azer Mohammed, Clinical Director for CAMHS
Tel: 02033175999
Brent CAMHS has multiple sub-teams with specialist skills: Emotional Disorders Team (EDT), Neurodevelopmental Team (NDT), Learning disability (LD) and Enhanced Treatment Team (ETT).
The post is 6 PAs in the Enhanced Treatment team.
The Enhanced Treatment team contains assessment and treatment pathways for children and young people with severe attachment difficulties, emerging personality disorders and repeated self harm, and usually a high degree of complexity and comorbidity.
CNWL is a nationally leading NHS Foundation Trust providing Mental Health, Community Health and Child Health Services across London and the South East of England.
Over the last few years our catchment area has grown significantly, making the Trust’s population more diverse than ever. The area spans the communities of London, Milton Keynes and wider geographical areas of Buckinghamshire, Surrey, Kent and Hampshire. There are areas of great affluence as well as deprivation, and there are over 100 first-languages spoken in these communities.
We were authorised as a Foundation Trust on 1 May 2007.
The Trust is organised in to three Divisions: Jameson, Goodall and Diggory. Goodall Division is responsible for the delivery of Mental Health and community Learning Disability services in Hillingdon, as well as all CNWL’s specialist rehabilitation provision and CAMHS provision in NW London. We also deliver community physical health services in a number of boroughs in NW London, including Hillingdon Harrow, Ealing and neighbouring System of North Central London.
Our staff play a fundamental role in our delivery of excellent outcomes and excellent patient experience, so it is our aim to create a happy and healthy working environment where you can thrive and succeed.
Clinical Work
Work along with other MDT colleagues to develop the Enhanced Treatment sub-team, offer consultation, work with colleagues from local authority and education, assess and manage children, young people and their families as appropriate.
Provision of a genericservice for non-urgent presentations of children and adolescents requiring psychiatric assessments and treatment, including direct clinical involvement and supervision and oversight of cases held by fellow clinicians.
Provision of a service to acutely mentally ill children and adolescents when presenting in crisis, including a comprehensive assessment and evidence based interventions as required across a range of theoretical models and treatments.
Consultation to other members of the multidisciplinary team regarding the management of urgent assessments and risk.
The post holder will be expected to assess about 15 new assessments per year, and offer 8-10 face to face contacts per week.
The caseload expected of the post holder is about 20-30 cases in the CAMHS Enhanced treatment team, most of whom will be prescribed medication and present with high clinical complexity.They will be expected to consult other member of the team and join them for clinical reviews as appropriate.
Accessing Tier 4 provision as clinically appropriate and reviewing the management and care of the young person during inpatient admission to ensure the most effective use of resources.
Clinical leadership and management duties
Participation in the development of new models of service to improve delivery and outcome, taking into account the views of commissioners and evidence of best practice.
Provision of clinical leadership in the Brent Enhanced Treatment team.
Participation in development of clinical protocols as required.
Contribution to the Brent CAMHS senior management group.
Contribution to leadership activities within the CAMHS- ED service line.
Teaching, training and supervision
Participation in training and supervision of junior doctors, medical students, and other members of the multidisciplinary Team as required. There is one CT and one FY2 doctor attached to Brent CAMHS who are currently supervised by the other consultants.
The post holder will be encouraged to become a clinical supervisor in the first instance and then an educational supervisor for CT1 or FY2 doctors attached to the team. CNWL offers support and training for these activities.
The post holder will be expected to develop training opportunities for junior doctors to encourage recruitment into this area of psychiatry.
The post holder will be invited to contribute to the teaching of undergraduate medical students at Imperial College and can apply for honorary clinical lecturer status. Furthermore, there are opportunities to participate in teaching and training activities with CT1-3 (the MRCPsych course) and SpRs doctors, local GPS, social workers, health visitors and other partners in the community.
This advert closes on Monday 3 Mar 2025
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