The following are the core responsibilities of the post holder. There may be, on occasion, a requirement to carry out other tasks, this will be dependent on factors such as workload and staffing levels. Administrate practice finances, maximising income and reducing expenditure reviewing budgets. Assist finance lead with cashflow reporting and forecasting. Review all income and expenditure statements, identifying any inaccuracies and rectifying such issues. General bookkeeping, including all financial ledgers and reconciling bank statements. Assist with VAT returns. Maintain an effective system for the handling of petty cash and cheques. Submit year-end figures under supervision of finance lead/practice accountants. Assist Finance and contracts lead in presenting financial forecasts with P&L to partners in a quarterly meeting. Maintain an effective working relationship with the ICB, ensuring the practice receives a proportionate and equitable allocation of resources. Partake in audit as requested by the audit lead. Attend any external meetings pertinent to the role of Finance Administrator. Assist Finance and Contracts lead. This job description is not exhaustive and will evolve further as the Finance team develops.