To work as autonomous MSK practitioner, using your expert knowledge of (MSK) issues, to create stronger links for wider MSK services through clinical leadership, teaching and evaluation skills. To assess, diagnose, and manage patients, taking responsibility for the management of a complex caseload etc. Request investigations (such as x- rays and blood tests) and referrals to facilitate diagnosis and choice of treatment regime, understanding the limitations of investigations, interpret and act on results and feedback to aid diagnosis and the management plans of patients. To develop integrated and tailored care programmes in partnership with patients and provide a range of first line treatment options, including self[1]management and referral to physiotherapy services and social prescribing provision. To develop relationships and a collaborative working approach across the PCN supporting the integration of pathways in primary care. Working closely with local secondary care MSK services, community care MSK services and social and community interventions as required, to support the management of patients in primary care. Communicate effectively and appropriately, with patients and other services regarding diagnosis, pathology, prognosis and treatment choices supporting personalised care.