What skills and experience we're looking for
This is a full-time role, although flexibility regarding the number of working days will be considered.
The successful candidate for this post:
• Will have a passion for learning and teaching
• Believes in the right of every student to fulfil their potential
• Is or has the potential to be an outstanding practitioner, with the energy to inspire, motivate and challenge students
In return, Goffs can offer you:
• A thriving and popular department
• A new £20million school building, opened in January 2017, with additional new facilities for the Humanities department which opened in April 2022
• A school described by Ofsted as being one where “students work together exceptionally well,” and where “students are overwhelmingly enthusiastic about school”
• Outstanding, highly personalised professional development opportunities
• Outstanding career development including dedicated leadership development and coaching in a national “Leadership” school
• A forward looking, innovative and oversubscribed working environment
Please contact the HR department on 01992 624375, or by email at recruitment@generationsmat.herts.sch.ukfor further details.
Closing date for applications: 9.00am, Wednesday 5th March 2025
Interviews: Week beginning 10th March 2025, or sooner for the right candidate
The Trust is committed to safeguarding children and young people.
All post-holders are subject to a satisfactory enhanced DBS check.
The Trust reserves the right to process applications as they are received, and early applications are encouraged. Previous applicants need not apply.
Generations Multi Academy Trust is committed to the safeguarding and welfare of children and applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to this post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Please note that this role is ‘exempt’ from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and therefore, you are required to declare any convictions, cautions, reprimands and final warnings that are not ‘protected’ (i.e. filtered out) as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013). Further information is available on the school’s website.
What the school offers its staff
GMAT is a cross-phase Multi Academy Trust based in Cheshunt, currently comprising two secondaries and two primaries - Goffs Academy, Goffs-Churchgate Academy, Flamstead End School and Andrews Lane School. Across the piece, GMAT currently has just under 3,000 students in its care and employs just under 400 staff. From Spring 2023, the MAT opened nursery provision on the Goffs-Churchgate site, with subsidised and term-time only places for staff. The nursery is run by Ashbourne Nurseries -
All of the schools are within close proximity of each other and share many activities, including CPD for staff. One of the Trust’s fundamental principles is that no one school is in any way more important or successful than the other. As such, CPD and other events are rotated through all schools in the Trust, with everyone learning from and sharing with each other. This collegiate and collaborative approach permeates our Trust.
The MAT is extremely clear about its daily purpose, reflected in its motto of “no set destiny for any child.” All of our schools, leaders and staff believe fiercely in the life-changing nature of education and work tirelessly to that end, day in and day out. There is no set destiny for any of the children in our care; rather, our daily work across the piece allows children to forge new futures and destinies.
Andrews Lane School is a warm and welcoming primary school in Cheshunt with approximately 170 children on roll. It has lots of space, including a field and a forest. It is a one-form entry school. In EYFS, 30 hours provision is available. As a 'Herts Therapeutic Thinking' school, the school is committed to understanding and supporting children with their learning and achievement, within a context of deep-rooted mutual respect. The school is committed to supporting its children and their families, and as such provides adult learning classes throughout the year. Staff are committed, dedicated professionals who want to do their very best for every pupil.
Flamstead End School is a thriving primary school in Cheshunt with approximately 485 children on roll. It has a preschool, a 60-place nursery offering 30 hours provision, and two classes per year group from Reception to Year 6. Flamstead end is also a ' Herts Therapeutic Thinking' school, and seeks to understand and support children's behaviour so that they are able to learn and achieve to the best of their ability. The school is a tight knit community, with a well-established staff who care for one another and the children in their charge.
Goffs is a mixed 11-18 comprehensive academy with approximately 1,600 students on roll, including a thriving and successful sixth form. The school is also extremely popular in the local area, with an average of over 800 applications annually for the 240 places available, and significant waiting lists for places across the year groups.
Goffs-Churchgate is a fully mixed comprehensive school for 11-16 year olds, with just over 600 students on roll. The school has rightly established a very strong reputation for both its academic outcomes and its close-knit, nurturing community, receiving over 600 applications for just 120 places for 2024 admission. The decision to cap student numbers at 600 is entirely deliberate, enabling us to maintain a strong sense of community where everybody knows everybody else.
Finances are overseen by a Chief Financial Officer with considerable financial expertise in the private sector, plus a highly experienced Finance Manager, and the MAT is financially secure. The Trust deliberately created an Income Generation function, and extensive lettings and business development work now takes place across all sites in the MAT. This additional income – now yielding around £600k per annum – underpins generous levels of staffing at both schools, plus many “extras” that would otherwise be unaffordable in the current funding climate.
Our schools pride themselves on their sense of community – both within the school itself, and in the wider locality. Visitors to our schools unfailingly comment on a very real sense of community, coupled with warmth and pride. Three of our schools are members of Cheshunt extended services (CHEXS), offering a variety of extended school and community-based activities for both students and parents. Our students actively support local charity work such as the Isabel Hospice and maintain strong links with our local primary schools.
Our schools are proud to be truly community-based schools, with students and staff from different religions and a number of languages spoken in each school. As a Trust we recognise and celebrate what makes us unique and different, and acknowledge that we are also part of one community. Our aim is for everybody to feel valued and respected and we strive hard to ensure we create a positive culture within the schools to enable this to happen.
Further information about GMAT can be found here:
Goffs Academy
Exam results in 2024 reflected another year of huge success for Goffs. The results reflect a 3 year upward trend and an impressive improvement on the excellent outcomes achieved across the headline measures last year.
GCSE highlights include:
• Extremely strong progress scores across the headline measures with results considerably above the national average (progress 8 score: 0.22)
• Particularly impressive outcomes in English and Maths; both subjects achieved a progress score significantly above the national average. English language performed particularly strongly at grade 4+ and grade 5+ exceeding the national average of students achieving these grades by 20%. Maths performed particularly strongly at the top end with 28% of students achieving grade 7+. This is very comfortably above the national average of 17%
• 72% of students achieved grade 4 or above in English and maths (7% above the national average)
• 52% of students achieved grade 5 or above in English and maths (6% above the national average)
• 21% of the GCSE grades were at grade 7 or above
• The percentage of students entering the full Ebacc was 64% which is significantly above the national average of 40.04%, and the Hertfordshire average of 46%
At A-level, continuing the upward trend of recent years, students achieved another excellent set of exam results, including an overall 100% pass rate. 64% of Year 13 students secured a university or college place to start in Autumn 2024. The wide range of university or further education courses onto which students have progressed include law, history, geography, maths, finance, physics and biomedical science, other students have gained places on fiercely competitive apprenticeships in areas such as civil engineering and within the NHS. Our Sixth Form has an excellent reputation in the local area; over the past three years the numbers of students applying to join has continued to increase, such that we now have approximately 400 Sixth Form students within our school community.
Goffs-Churchgate Academy
Exam results in 2024 once again produced an overall estimated progress score significantly above the national average and reflect the continued success the school has achieved since joining the Trust in 2017.
Highlights include:
• Exceptionally strong progress scores across the headline measures, with the overall progress 8 score significantly above the national average for a third year in a row. (progress 8 score: 0.37)
• Excellent outcomes were achieved in maths and the performance in English was phenomenally strong (Maths progress score: 0.31. English progress score: 0.61)
• The outcomes at the top end were particularly impressive with the progress score for the students with high prior attainment very significantly above the national average
• There was a 12% increase in the percentage of students entering the full Ebacc to bring the overall entry figure to 67% which is significantly above the national average of 39%, and the Hertfordshire average of 47%
Flamstead End School
Extremely strong outcomes were achieved across the school in 2024. The improvements in this year’s outcomes are reflective of the rapid whole school improvement that has taken place in Flamstead End School since joining the Trust in January 2023.
Highlights include:
• The percentage of students achieving good level of development in early years, at 72% remains above the national average of 68%
• Very strong phonics outcomes in year 1 with a 90% pass rate. This is 9% above the national average and reflects an 8% increase from last year
• Outcomes in the multiplications tables check were particularly strong at the top end with 50% of the cohort achieving 24 or 25 marks
• Key stage 2 sats results across the board are extremely strong and comfortably above both the national and Hertfordshire averages: there was particularly impressive performance in key stage 2 writing with 80% achieving the expected standard (national average: 72%), and 32% achieving greater depth, which is considerably above the national average of 13%
• Key stage 2 maths outcomes at the higher standard were excellent with 40% of the cohort achieved the higher standard, which is 26% above the national average.
Andrews Lane School
Andrews Lane formally joined the Trust on 1st January 2025. The Trust is working closely with the school to deliver strong outcomes for pupils.
Staff Development
The Trust has an extremely strong reputation for staff development, for both teaching and support staff. Developing the next generation of school leaders, both middle and senior, plus future headteachers for those who wish to pursue this, is also a responsibility that we take very seriously. We have a full suite of staff leadership development which staff can join, be they an ECT or highly experienced colleague.
In addition to whole staff training days, we disaggregate a number of hours for training every year. This allows staff development to be highly personalised as staff can opt for the training which best meets their needs, including the opportunity to do a research project in partnership with Cambridge University. Many use their disaggregated time to coach others or to receive coaching. Moreover, there are specific training sessions for ECTs and other interested staff which run each week after school.
We also place a lot of emphasis on ‘on the job’ training and support. A thorough induction scheme is available to all new staff, and mentors/buddies are assigned to guide you through those new routines. Finally, external courses can of course be booked if, on very rare occasions, we cannot cater for a particular training need in house.
Leadership Development
The Trust’s leadership academy encompasses both staff and student leadership development through a series of student led groups and staff leadership pathways. The staff programme specifically provides opportunities for:
• Aspiring middle leaders
• Aspiring senior leaders
All pathways are personalised for the individual and staff receive one to one support from a mentor alongside working on a whole school project. both support staff and teaching staff are welcome to join the leadership academy at any point in their career.
A full suite of leadership training is offered with a range of sessions including:
• Communicating vision and values
• Developing your leadership approach
• Building a high performing team
• Supporting your team
• Leading your team day to day
• Quality assuring effective teaching
• Observation for improvement
• Using data for impact
• Fostering positive behaviour for learning
• Leading and managing innovation and change
Attendance to all training sessions leads to certification by the SSAT. In addition, we encourage aspirant senior leaders to take part in the SSAT ‘stepping up to senior leadership’ training programme, which includes four external sessions throughout the year. As part of the Trust’s commitment to developing future leaders, a number of the existing senior leadership team across both secondary schools gained experience through an ‘associate’ SLT position before gaining substantive leadership posts.
Trust Staff Benefits
Alongside our very strong focus on outstanding professional development and promotion opportunities, we also offer a range of benefits including:
Competitive base salary with a tailor made development plan aimed at enhancing your future [earnings] potential through:
• High quality, personalised CPD
• Bespoke leadership development programmes
• Subsidies for masters and degree courses
• Secondment and shadowing opportunities
• As part of our multi academy Trust, potential to work across more than one school to develop career enhancing skills and knowledge
• Supported nursery provision with Ashbourne at any of their nurseries in the Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Northamptonshire, and Bedfordshire area:
o 15% discount for all Trust staff
o Term time only places are available
o A school day would be 9.00am – 3.00pm
o “sundries” would be applied to a child taking up a funded only space (e.g. 30 hours funding only). This covers the cost of: meals, snacks, nursery resources
• All staff have access to a wide range of health and wellbeing resources which includes an Employee Assistance Programme via Spectrum.Life who offer a wide range of health and wellbeing resources, plus access to counselling for staff and their immediate family. The EAP service is accessible 24/7, 365 days a year and is a completely free and confidential service
• The MAT adheres to the STPCD for its teaching staff
• Cycle to work scheme
• Onsite car valeting at a reduced price for Trust staff
• Substantially discounted membership to Lifestyle Fitness’s state-of-the-art purpose-built gym at Goffs academy
Additional financial incentives and tax efficient benefits, including:
• Exam marker payment of £400 plus 2 days' paid leave to do the marking (1st year)
• Payments for staff taking weekend sporting fixtures: staff paid £200 for leading a minimum of six Saturday fixtures plus 6 weekly training sessions
• A daily allowance of £50 for school trips taken over a weekend or any school holiday.
• A £1,000 employee referral scheme (i.e. Finder’s fee) for any qualifying positions that staff refer the successful candidate for: £500 on the person starting, and £500 if the person is still in employment in the Trust 12 months later
Access to a wide range of health and well-being resources including:
• Professional, and fit for purpose working environments
• Free use of a range of sports and leisure facilities including a fully equipped gym and swimming pool
• Occupational health & counselling support
• Free flu jabs
• Subsidised social events
• Free tea, coffee, and milk for staff
Mark Ellis
Commitment to safeguarding
Our organisation is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We expect all staff, volunteers and trustees to share this commitment. Our recruitment process follows the keeping children safe in education guidance. Offers of employment may be subject to the following checks (where relevant): childcare disqualification Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) medical online and social media prohibition from teaching right to work satisfactory references suitability to work with children You must tell us about any unspent conviction, cautions, reprimands or warnings under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975.