Caralex RecruitmentLimited have been asked to recruit a Development Manager to lead the front-end of new build housing projects in London. The successful candidate will haveexperience of either workingdirectly for, or very closely with, a housing association or local authority in a development role, for example a Development Manager, Assistant Development Manager or Development Project Manager. The role is to oversee and manage development agreements for newhousing schemes from inception, through pre-contract stages of feasibility, design, planning and legal matters. It will include monitoring financial changes in the operating environment and themarket conditions to maintain the schemes viability. You will need to understand the housing policy that housing associations are operating within and be familiar with liaising with Homes England, local authorities, HA's, residential developers and a wide variety ofexternal consultants (legal, design, planning etc). You may hold a RICS or CIH qualification, howeverthis isn't essential if you already have experience ina front-end focused development role within new build property development and working with their internal land, technical, commercial and construction teams.