TSDFT is looking to recruit an enthusiastic and highly motivated Medical Examiner Officer. The role of the Medical Examiner Officer is to support medical examiners and the Senior Medical Examiner Officer in their role in scrutinising the circumstances and causes of death, and to be a point of contact for coroner and registration services. They will also be a source of advice for relatives of deceased patients, healthcare professionals and the bereavement service. The Medical Examiner Officer role is anticipated to be hugely rewarding and will improve personal skills for the successful applicant. It is also a highly responsible and involved role and will require a dedicated and driven applicant. The Medical Examiners Office is an independent service hosted by Torbay Hospital. The team consists of Medical Examiner Officers who support the Medical Examiner with the focus of providing greater safeguards for the public by ensuring proper scrutiny of all non – coronial deaths ensuring the appropriate referral of deaths to the coroner providing a better service for the bereaved and an opportunity for them to raise any concerns to a Doctor not involved in the care of the deceased improving the quality of death certification improving the quality of mortality data This role is critical developing a responsive and fluid service which is adaptable to the needs of the Trust, our patients and our workforce. Successful candidates will have a proactive role how the service grows and adapts to the needs of our patients and relatives. Medical Examiner Officers will undergo formal training appropriate to the role, as stipulated by the Royal College of Pathologists, and will continue to train on the job as part of a lifelong learning role. Why Work With Us For further details / informal visits contact: Name: Natalie Herring Job title: Deputy Chief Nurse Email address: natalie.herringnhs.net Telephone number: 7393760919 Personal Assistant Hannah Lucas-Griffin Email: hannah.lucas-griffinnhs.net