To maintain a TB Data Base detailing TB patients treatment, disease pattern, location and outcome. Also, identifying numbers of contacts and New Entrants screened and numbers of BCGs given, to assist with management follow up and clinical audit; and to monitor effectiveness of service. This will require close liaison with the hospital service To follow cases out of hospital and ensure they are taking their medication as directed and monitor for any side effects, liase with TB specialist nurse team leader and treating physicians should problems occur. To undertake a holistic assessment of patient needs and to ensure appropriate agencies locally and nationally are involved to resolve any problems. To identify those patients who may be at risk of non - concordance with medication and initiate and monitor strategies that will assist the client to adhere to an appropriate regimen, involving the most appropriate agencies. To identify close contacts of Index cases through careful questioning and ensure that they are invited to clinic for screening for symptoms. Also, to provide those identified with appropriate information about TB and answer questions. To visit all TB cases throughout their treatment, including those with multi drug resistance and those infected with HIV. Promote HIV testing and be prepared to develop knowledge and skills in HIV testing. To perform Tuberculin tests at home, hospital and clinic as part of the TB testing programme and to interpret the results and take the appropriate action. To administer the BCG vaccine to individuals. Nurse prescribing