The Job Description and Person Specification are attached to this job, please review for the full details and responsibilities. In collaboration with other Lead/Specialist Pharmacists to jointly provide professional, managerial and clinical leadership to the team of pharmacy staff involved in the delivery of pharmaceutical services to the relevant Clinical Service Line. To provide active support and mentorship to the Rotational Pharmacists to further develop their leadership potential. Develop, implement and monitor pharmacy services to ensure they are consistent with Trust priorities and requirements and are aligned to the over-arching patient focussed ethos of the pharmacy service whilst ensuring compliance with medicines legislation. To provide the Principal Pharmacist for Acute/ED & Elderly Care and Clinical Pharmacy Services Manager with regular assurance that the pharmacy service is meeting agreed Key Performance Indicators. To actively manage the day to day activities of Rotational Pharmacists, Medicines Management Pharmacy Technicians and Pre-Registration Pharmacists to deliver a safe and responsive clinical and operationally effective service that meets the needs of patients and other healthcare staff To provide high quality clinical supervision and mentorship of Foundation Pharmacists, pre-registration pharmacists, MSc students and pharmacy undergraduates in the provision of pharmaceutical care for patients.