Overview To supervise, develop and train multi-disciplinary co-ordinators and MDT support staff. To enable provision of administrative support to the multi-disciplinary team meetings being undertaken within the region. To observe National Cancer Waiting Times targets and Cancer Services standards as identified in the NHS Cancer Plan, ensuring the data collection process is carried out in a timely manner. To ensure that all related documentation is prepared and maintained, including relevant audit data. To ensure National Guidance and Protocols are implemented effectively, in particular interpreting cancer waiting times guidelines and providing guidance to others. To work unsupervised and be self-motivated. To deputise the Deputy General Manager during periods of absence. Operational Effective supervision of MDT Services across the county. Effective observation of Cancer Waiting Times. To analyse Cancer Waiting Times data and liaise with members of the MDT and Service Delivery to identify potential delays in treatment. Assist in the design, development and implementation of MDT policies and procedures. Attend the weekly Cancer Services Operational Meeting; creating the agenda, taking minutes and distributing actions in a timely manner. Ensure adequate cover plans are in place for all MDT meetings. Develop a data and filing system to enable the MDT team easy and efficient access to core information. Assist in maintaining the schedule of data returns, under the direction of the General Manager, Cancer Services and in co-operation with the information directorate. Managing tertiary referrals. Assist with the preparation audit documentation required for annual review, under the direction of the chair of the MDT, record operational policies for the team and ensure that these are available for inspection if required. Co-ordinate and information required for a cancer accreditation visits relevant to the MDT. Recruitment and Human Resource Responsible for ensuring that the standards of performance and delivery of MDT Co-Ordinators and trackers are monitored and achieved on a daily basis. Responsible for organising, conducting and monitoring staff personal development reviews and appraisals in line with Trust policies and procedures. Responsible for recruitment and selection of staff in line with trust policies. Responsible for new staff induction, staff training and development. Responsible for organising regular staff meetings to ensure that there is good and effective communication amongst the team. Responsible for maintaining annual leave and absence records. Responsible for maintaining sickness records and highlight concerns in line with Trust policy. Ensure that future work plans are consistent with staffing levels. Deal with difficult staff issues as and when appropriate. Financial Responsible for ensuring long term absence returns are recorded and the Deputy General Manager is informed.