Attend Trust meetings including, but not limited to, specialty meetings, Quality Committee and Trust Board. Advise the Chief Executive and the Trust Board on all aspects of medical clinical governance and medicine management issues. Work proactively to develop and improve clinical pathways as part of the hospital services strategy ensuring that services are within national guidance. Attend monthly Responsible Officer meetings within the south-west region of NHS England and NHS Improvement. Liaise with the GMC Employment Liaison as the representative of the Trust and submit yearly annual Board report and statement of compliance to NHS England. Ensure all connected doctors are appraised and have appropriate support to complete requirements for revalidation. Ensure the optimisation of medical leadership, full engagement and commitment of all medical staff to deliver service improvements and clinical outcomes. Assume the role of Responsible Officer for Doctors directly employed by the Trust, managing all aspects of the appraisal and revalidation process. Support the Matron in their role as Clinical Lead for the Trust to develop strategies to meet compliance with national standards and regulatory requirements. Support and enable effective links between the Trust and external stakeholders to maximise patient care and support commissioning and contracting decisions.