The post holder carries ongoing responsibility for holistic assessment of care needs, the development, implementation, and evaluation of programmes of care for a caseload delegated by the service. Proactively participate in the development of the service and manage own caseload. To work in conjunction with the Consultant Community Paediatricians and Neurodevelopmental Pathway Multi-Disciplinary Teams to support parents and carers of children with special educational needs and neurodevelopmental conditions, to facilitate ensuring a holistic assessment of their care needs are undertaken and contribute to facilitating coordinated care across healthcare and educational settings according to agreed packages of care and pathways. The post holder will work autonomously and act independently working within BCHC Policy, procedures, and guidelines.
To use highly developed negotiation and interpersonal skills when working with professionals, children, and young people within a community environment. To work with the service leads to develop packages of care and pathways. To contribute to the development of the relevant Team.
1. Management Responsibilities: Provide operational leadership in the absence of the line manager and actively participate and facilitate clinical supervision. Provide leadership, training, and supervision for junior nurses and healthcare staff (e.g., Band 5 nurses and healthcare assistants).
2. Financial Responsibilities: Work in accordance with NMC Code of Professional Practice and Scope of Professional Practice.
3. Professionally and legally accountable and responsible for nursing practice and all activities.
4. To undertake video/face-to-face clinics to perform health screening interviews with children and young people and their parents or carers to provide Health Advice Reports to the Local Authority for children and young people undergoing EHC needs assessment.
5. To participate in Quality Assurance activity pertaining to EHC Health advice.
6. Training of other staff involved in writing health advice for EHC needs assessment.
7. To write reports containing highly complex, confidential, and sensitive information which may be used in a legal context.
8. Provide comprehensive evidenced based and skilled nursing care to children within their own home and/or other community settings.
9. Ensure assessment, planning, and delivery of holistic care is of the highest standard utilising an agreed nursing model.
10. Liaise and work in collaboration with acute services, primary healthcare team, and other agencies when planning and implementing programmes of care.
11. Provide health education information to the child/young person, family, and carers to promote a healthy lifestyle through health promotion activities as required.
12. Advise the Line Manager, Service Clinical Manager, or Service Manager of any circumstances which give cause for concern in relation to patient care and/or any concerns raised by the primary healthcare team or partner agencies.
13. Obtain informed consent from children, parents, and carers prior to undertaking care.
14. Maintain clear, concise, and contemporaneous records adhering to BCHC record keeping policies.
15. Provide a flexible service to accommodate the working environment.
16. Ensure standards are maintained with both clinical quality and governance being central to the function and delivery of the service.
17. Accountable for advice and guidance to patients, families, carers, and other team members.
18. Act as an effective role model for other team members, students, and professionals.
19. Responsible for overseeing the reassessment of children, ensuring regular formal review of the caseload in conjunction with the Line Manager, ensuring these are documented and evidenced as per record keeping guidelines.
20. Participate in research and audit relevant to the service in conjunction with the Line Manager/Service Clinical Manager.
21. Appropriately manage the service resources (e.g., equipment, staffing, supplies) in conjunction with the Line Manager/Service Manager.
22. Participate in clinical supervision with team members.
23. Develop policies, procedures, and guidelines in conjunction with the wider multidisciplinary team.
24. Responsible for ensuring effective team working.
25. Ensure effective communication to line manager relating to any circumstances which give rise for concern.
26. Manage informal complaints from service users raising any recurrent themes or concerns with the Service Clinical Manager and Service Manager and assist with formal investigations as requested.
27. Recognise situations which may be detrimental to a child's wellbeing and deal with individual situations according to organisational and local agency policies, for example, child protection issues, e.g., initiation of CASS referral to Children's services.
28. Review, discuss and facilitate fulfilment of Advance Care Plans for children and families with life-limiting/threatening conditions.
29. To use highly developed communication skills to explain complex information from clinical assessment and therapy outcomes to clients, carers, and multidisciplinary team members.
30. To undertake holistic assessment of specialist and diverse cases with access to supervision for highly complex cases.
31. To record and maintain up-to-date clinical case notes in line with professional standards and Trust, professional and departmental policies.
32. To complete timely, accurate written and electronic records of patients' care, maintaining service standards and following departmental clinical record keeping guidelines.
33. The post holder will also be required to input activity into the IT system.
34. To share specialist knowledge with colleagues at a local level including offering additional specialist experience and providing observation sessions for others.
35. To access multi-professional team for support, such as second opinions for highly complex cases as necessary.
36. To contribute to evaluating and updating packages of care and pathways used within the Service.
37. To identify and access appropriate Continuous Professional Development at least to a level to meet Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and Health and Care Professions Council requirements and to practice reflective learning.
38. To use keyboard skills to produce customised treatment plans and materials and effectively manage mobile devices to access client records, emails, and other aspects of electronic communication.
39. To manage infection control risks including those from bodily fluids.
40. To undertake reviews of evidence to underpin current practice.
41. Undertake other duties commensurate with this grade of post in agreement with the relevant line manager.
Management and Leadership Responsibilities:
1. Develop and empower all members of your team to perform to high standards and innovate.
2. Develop a culture that ensures that the standards of Improving Working Lives and Investors in People are achieved and maintained for all staff and that staff's perception about their working lives are measured and improvements made.
3. Ensure supportive staff management arrangements are in place and carry out personal development reviews for direct reports.
4. Ensure all staff in your team/s have annual PDRs resulting in specific objectives and effective personal development plans in line with the Knowledge and Skills Outline Framework.
5. Develop staff knowledge and skills to promote equality and diversity and address inequalities both in employment and service delivery.
6. Ensure specific equality objectives are included in PDRs.
7. To support and facilitate the safe allocation of care to children and young people in the community setting considering the clinical prioritisation matrix and clinical formulary.