NHS Lanarkshire is looking for an experienced Clinical Fellow to join its Old Age Psychiatry Service. Applicants must have at least 6 months Psychiatry or Older Adult experience to be considered for the post. NHS Lanarkshire is an innovative and forward thinking Health board with a commitment to excellent Mental Health Services. As part of this commitment, we are seeking to further strengthen our existing Old Age Psychiatry service by improving our medical workforce. This post is a full time Clinical Fellow 6 months post in Old Age Psychiatry, based within the old age psychiatry acute admission wards for south Lanarkshire at Udston Hospital, Hamilton. Individuals who have trained out with the UK process will be supported in this role where there will be a robust induction period that will help individuals integrate into the role. Our induction will extend to a two weeks “softer landing” period for successful candidate’s dependent on your experience. Accommodation may be available for those who reside out with NHS Lanarkshire area for an initial period of 3 months to allow successful candidates to relocate to the area. Potential applicants are encouraged to find out more and informal enquiries regarding this post will be welcomed by Dr S Munishankar, Clinical Director, via Sowmya. Munishankar Lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk To apply for this post and find out more please visit the NHS Scotland Recruitment Portal Recruitment | NHS Lanarkshire (scot.nhs.uk) NHS Lanarkshire are happy to consider requests for this publication to be in another accessible format ie large print, braille, etc. Please contact us via either of the undernoted methods clearly stating which format is required: NHS Lanarkshire is committed to working towards equal opportunities for all. ‘In NHS Lanarkshire w e are committed to recruiting a workforce that fully reflects the diverse make-up of our society. A place where every individual can thrive, develop and succeed based on skill, knowledge and talent, regardless of race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, care experienced or any other dimension that can be used to differentiate people from one another. Care experienced applicants are people who live/have lived with foster parents/kinship carers or who live/have lived in a residential children’s setting/secure unit.’ NHS Lanarkshire has a legal obligation to ensure that it does not employ any worker who has not been granted the relevant permission to work in the UK. This permission is without exception granted by the UK Border Agency. We are required to check the entitlement to work in the UK of all prospective employees, regardless of nationality or job category. Candidates who require a Certificate of Sponsorship can access further information on the UK Border Agency’s new points based system that now governs the way individuals from outside the EEA can work in the UK at www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk .