Undertake formal academic, theoretical and practical training to develop integrated sexual health skills To work in a team environment, delivering a high standard of evidence based integrated sexual health care To develop an awareness of STI risks, methods of STI management, safeguards and follow up and apply to practice To develop skills of sexual health promotion, and have the ability to give information and refer as appropriate To provide sexually transmitted infection testing and be aware of referral policies To ensure the smooth running of clinical sessions Maintain a high level of infection prevention practice Develop skills of integrated sexual health assessment for both males and females including physical examination Maintain confidentiality of client information at all times Work within guidelines set down by the law and the Nursing Midwifery Council Be fully aware of Essex Sexual Health Service and organisation safeguarding procedures Maintain clear awareness of limitation to practice and refer to other appropriate health care professionals Comply with organisations fitness to practice training Maintain contemporaneous and accurate treatment records, submitting relevant statistics, reports and activity data as required Identify and evaluate their own attitudes towards integrated sexual health services and accept the values of the client, adapting interpersonal approach accordingly Following appropriate in house training participate in the results management of sexually transmitted and reproductive tract infections Carry out venepuncture for specific sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing Participate in targeted sexual health interventions and sexual health promotion events within non-clinical community settings Assess clients for STI risk and advise accordingly Teach self-examination of the breast and testes where applicable and inform client about awareness of self-examination Reassess clients on follow up visits for repeat prescriptions and realise her own responsibility in these consultations Maintain drug stock control and ordering if appropriate Assist to develop, introduce and apply research based findings to nursing practice Membership of relevant meetings and attendance at courses to maintain clinical and professional competence and knowledge Attend mandatory updates and study sessions Notify Line Manager of proposed annual leave, giving at least six weeks notice unless exceptional circumstances prevail Participate in programmes of education and training in order to meet the identified needs of service users Inform line manager when absent due to sickness and report again on return to work Achieve a range of clinical competencies as required within the service in line with the post profile and Professional Development Plan and department competency framework within time frame agreed with line manager Undertake training for use of patient group directions and apply to practice Be willing to undertake internal and external training linked to the achievement, of competence to practice in specified areas of integrated sexual healthcare Work towards successful completion of Faculty of sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Online Theory Assessment (OTA) and Diploma Undertake training in specific clinic procedures (sub-dermal implant removal and fitting) as appropriate Manage elements of care as appropriately delegated Participate in focussed and targeted work in specific environments Participate in training to develop competence in results management and non-face to face intervention