As a Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children, the post holder will fulfil the statutory requirements as set out in national guidance and policy (Working Together 2023, Intercollegiate Document 2019/22). They will have operational co-leadership responsibility for children's safeguarding practice ensuring that structures, systems, policies, and processes are in place and effective across the Trust. Services include the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Dental Hospital, Eye Hospital, Bristol Royal Infirmary, and Weston General Hospital, all of which have Emergency Departments.
We are looking for an individual who has expert knowledge and experience in relation to safeguarding children and the intersecting legislative frameworks, for example (but not limited to) Children Act 1989/2004, Domestic Abuse Act 2021, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Care Act 2014. The postholder will have the skills to line manage team members and influence clinical colleagues to improve safeguarding practice across the trust by providing highly specialised safeguarding assessment, analysis, advice, and support. They are expected to be highly visible and accessible to colleagues providing training, supervision, and oversight of complex cases.
It is expected that the post holder will fulfil the requirements of the Named Nurse role as set out in the RCPCH 'Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff' (2019 updated 2022) and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023.
1. Use significant expert knowledge of safeguarding children, child protection, and children in care and the legislative frameworks and statutory guidance to improve outcomes for children in the care of UHBW.
2. Use comprehensive knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its application for 16- and 17-year-olds to support safeguarding practice and transition to adult services for adolescent patients where there are safeguarding concerns.
3. Use understanding of the Care Act 2014 and the impact of parental/carer needs on the children in their care to integrate practice under an ethos of think family across UHBW.
4. Develop, implement, and evaluate training programs and learning resources using expert knowledge of health presentations, categories of harm, abuse, and neglect for all staff groups from induction to specialist courses.
5. Provide specialist information on contemporary issues in safeguarding including, but not limited to, transitional safeguarding, contextual approaches to safeguarding, radicalization, exploitation, and the intersection of bias, adultification, and minoritized children and young people.
6. Maintain and further develop electronic materials that support safeguarding practice in health settings for a range of staff roles, welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults.
As an equal opportunities employer actively working towards a diverse workforce, we aim to recruit and retain a workforce which represents the rich diversity of the local population at all levels and are committed to designing our services around the needs of individual patients and those around them. Anonymous information will be used from your application in order to ensure we're meeting our pledge.
University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) is one of the largest acute Trusts in the country, bringing together a combined workforce of over 13,000 staff and over 100 different clinical services across 10 different sites, serving a core population of more than 500,000 people across South West England. UHBW has been rated by the CQC as 'Good' overall and our staff are proud to deliver excellent care to the people of Bristol, Weston, and beyond. As a forward-thinking multi-award-winning Trust and a digital exemplar committed to improving patient care, our world-leading research and innovations are having a positive local and global impact. Our hospitals are spread across Bristol and Weston; join us and you can enjoy the very best of both worlds: city living within a stone's throw of the countryside or beside the seaside, both with easy access to all that the South West has to offer. UHBW is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults.