The following are the core responsibilities of the GP Assistant/Medical Assistant. There may be, on occasion, a requirement to carry out other tasks. This will be dependent upon factors such as workload and staffing levels. Clinical: NHS Health Checks Diabetic Care Processes ECG BP Checks Support vaccination clinics Administrative: Quality improvement project Monitoring data / Audits Complex admin tasks Completing basic (non-opinion) forms in addition to some elements of forms for the GP(s) to approve such as insurance forms, mortgage applications, Department for Works and Pensions benefits forms and other as appropriate EPACCS (GM care record, keeping up to date) Actioning relevant pathology Project work / Health Inequalities Anything else appropriate / competent and beneficial to the practice GPA working in In addition to the primary responsibilities, the GP Assistant/Medical Assistant may be requested to: a. Demonstrate the ownership of responsibility for personal development, learning and performance b. Demonstrate performance of skills and activities to others undertaking similar work c. Attend relevant annual updates and shared practice learning d. Complete all required PCN mandated training e. Undertake any tasks consistent with the level of the post and the scope of the role, ensuring that work is delivered in a timely and effective manner Duties may vary from time to time without changing the general character of the post or the level of responsibility