In this role, you will work closely with senior leaders, pastoral colleagues, external agencies, the local authority, students, and their families as you strive to unpick any challenges that may be in existence for students in securing regular attendance. You will ensure that the statutory obligations around student attendance, the reporting of student attendance, and the integrity of attendance registers are maintained – supporting and challenging where required.
1. Be responsible for the daily oversight of all attendance, absences, and lateness, working with the Pastoral team, the office, and parents as necessary.
2. Monitor and track attendance across the academy, including identified students who are of concern, and report on these students as necessary to the pastoral team, as well as sending out attendance letters and preparing Notice to Improve documentation.
3. Conduct home visits to support and improve attendance and, where necessary, undertake parent contract meetings where students have attendance concerns including Persistent and Severe absences.
4. Attend review meetings with the Pastoral team to review whole-academy attendance and identify strategies to improve this, providing attendance data via WMG Management Information System to support the meetings.
5. Support parents with attendance and punctuality strategies.
6. Support students with medical needs and other issues which prevent full-time attendance by liaising with staff, parents/carers, and other professionals.
7. Raise the attendance of targeted students through effectively monitoring and communication with staff, parents/carers, and other professionals, including working on strategies to improve student punctuality and identifying patterns of non-attendance and late arrival quickly and putting in place timely interventions.
8. Ensure measures are in place to provide students with missed schoolwork.
9. Attend relevant meetings regarding the wellbeing of specific students.
Application Process
To apply for this vacancy, please either use the TES ‘Apply for job' link or refer to our website to download a copy of the Application Form. Once completed in full, please return this to Joanne Jenkins at If you would like to arrange an informal chat, please contact the Academy on 02476 464 661.