Skills and Knowledge
* Ability to define a full ILS Programme of work, including creation of an Integrated Support Plan and associated ILS element plans
* Skills to conduct Supportability Analysis in sufficient detail to influence system design; conducting analysis and trade-off among architecture design alternatives; and developing and control of a Total Cost of Ownership / Life Cycle Cost (TCO/LCC) model.
* Skills and knowledge to perform Reliability, Maintainability and Availability (RMA) analysis including Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Levels of Repair Analysis (LORA) and Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA). Also the ability to construct Reliability Block Diagrams using proprietary software tools.
* Spares Ranging and Scaling using software tools
* Management and delivery of the Technical Documentation programme in accordance with Army Equipment Support Publication (AESP) standards)
* Identification and documentation of Packaging, Handling, Storage & Transportation (PHS&T) solutions
* Identification and documentation of disposal solutions
* Skills and knowledge regarding software support
* Skills and knowledge of Obsolescence Management processes
* Skills and knowledge with respect to the construction, management and maintenance of a Logistics Information Repository (LIR)
* Skills and knowledge of Configuration Management
* Knowledge of Def Stan 00-600 and Defence Logistics Framework (DLF)
* Experience of working within Agile, (including SAFe) delivery approaches