Clinical Management & Teaching: Participate in the professional supervision, management, support and teaching ofAnaesthetic/Pain trainees. Follow the best practice standards in pain management as provide by CoreStandards for Pain Management Services in the UK second edition. Be familiar with chronic pain related NICE guidelines. Be familiar with the Royal College of Anaesthetists curriculum for Junior Doctortraining, and contribute to their training requirements, including tutorials andeducational supervision Organise and participate in teaching sessions for undergraduate students and postgraduatemedical staff and other health professionals.Clinical Audit and Clinical Governance: Participate fully in Clinical Governance, including reporting of incident, investigationof serious incidents, and the effective handling of any complaints Participate in the Clinical Audit programme of the department Comply with the Trusts Clinical Governance processes as stipulated by the Divisionaland Medical Directors The post holder is responsible for data quality and complying with the policies,procedures and accountability arrangements throughout the Trust for maintainingaccuracy and probity in the recording of the Trusts activities.Continuing Professional Development: Participate in continuing professional development at local and national level Implement audit and research findings as appropriate in clinical practice Implement Nice guidelines into practice. Prepare and participate in an annual appraisal in accordance with Trust policy, andmeet the requirements for revalidation Demonstrate willingness to undertake additional professional responsibilities at local,regional or national levels In line with GMC Good Medical Practice it is the responsibility of the post-holder toensure that all duties are carried out to the highest possible standard, and inaccordance with current quality initiatives within the area of work. Contribute to and/or support research. Formal research duties taken up aftercommencement in post may be assessed for additional SPA time.Policy, Planning and Management: Contribute to the development of clinical and organisational protocols. Review and develop policies for clinical practice and effectiveness. Support the Trust in its aim to provide the best possible care to patients. Participate in all aspects of the Directorate and Hospitals affairs, includingattendance at relevant Consultant and Directorate meetings and to represent thedepartment on appropriate committees/working parties when required. Monitor, with appropriate managers, performance indicators for the service, andimplement action as necessary. Participate in service development and business planning in collaboration with theother Consultants in the department, hospital management, local GPs and ICS.