DEPARTMENT: Northern Ireland Civil Service
LOCATION: NIEA building at 17 Antrim Road, Lisburn, BT28 3AL
Further appointments may be made from this competition should NICS positions become vacant which require the same eligibility criteria and have similar duties and responsibilities.
For more detailed information, including the duties and responsibilities of the post, and the criteria to be used during the recruitment and selection process, please click on the Candidate Information Booklet link below.
In order to apply for this position, please click on the “Apply for this job online” link below to register for this vacancy and submit an online application.
Completed application forms must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon (UK time) on Friday 7th February 2025.
Applications from Protestants, young people (people under the age of 35), people with a disability, and people from minority ethnic communities are particularly welcomed for this post.
As part of our commitment to equality of opportunity, we offer a Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS) for disabled applicants. Further information can be found in the Candidate Information Booklet.
The Northern Ireland Civil Service is an Equal Opportunities Employer. ALL APPLICATIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT ARE CONSIDERED STRICTLY ON THE BASIS OF MERIT.
All queries can be directed to HRConnect.