Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority
The Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA) has been established to make a real difference to people’s lives – tackling challenges as well as providing Devon and Torbay with a stronger voice to influence policy for the benefit of residents, communities, and businesses. It is a new organisation and this is a chance to be at the centre of supporting one of the first Combined County Authorities in the country. The CCA is a “body corporate” that has just been brought into being through the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority Regulations 2024. The Regulations give effect to the Devon and Torbay devolution deal and include the DTCCA’s governance arrangements, the functions it exercises and its membership.
The CCA is looking for a full time Governance Officer and a part time hours a week) Scrutiny Officer. The same job description and person specification applies to both posts. The post holders will be expected to cover for one another as necessary. Please indicate in your application which of the posts you wish to be considered for. Devon County Council will be the post holders’ employer, and they will report to the CCA’s Monitoring Officer: currently Amanda Barlow (Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer, Torbay Council).
The postholders will be responsible for the management, co-ordination and provision of all aspects of the governance structure and meetings of the CCA and its Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Audit Committee and advisory groups or sub-groups, and to support the Authority’s overall governance arrangements.
With a population of 953,000 and an economy worth over £17 billion, Devon and Torbay offers enormous potential. We have nearly 50,000 businesses providing around 473,000 jobs, and significant opportunity for growth. The CCA will make a real difference to people’s lives – tackling challenges as well as providing Devon and Torbay with a stronger voice to influence policy for the benefit of our residents, communities, and businesses.
The CCA has a range of devolved powers and funding from central Government and will ensure decisions are made locally. This gives a real opportunity for more effective and better targeting of public services, greater growth, and stronger partnerships between public, private and community leaders.
Devon and Torbay face a range of challenges, with below national average levels of productivity, investment in innovation, exports, and overseas trade. There is significant deprivation within our coastal and rural communities, and a real lack of youth aspiration. We have a housing crisis and, whilst there is a good level of skills within our workforce, growth is constrained by key skills gaps.
Our area is blessed by key opportunities across sectors where we hold national and global significance including advanced manufacturing and environmental technologies – and we have strong and vibrant visitor and food, farming, and fishing sectors. We have excellent training providers across further and higher education sectors and a strength in our private sector training providers. Our social enterprises and voluntary sectors are key anchors in our communities promoting resilience and sustainability.