The multi-disciplinary team is operationally managed through the Children, Young People and Educations Services Directorate. Medical staff are line managed through the Medical Director structure of Health and Community Services (this includes Appraisal and Revalidation, annual leave and study leave policies and approval). 2. Jersey Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service The post is based within the Womens and Childrens Care Group, HCS (Health & Community services). The CAMHS Team CAMHS is staffed by a multi-disciplinary team with secretarial and administrative support. The service aims to provide a comprehensive assessment, treatment and therapeutic service for a range of developmental, behavioural, emotional and psychiatric difficulties in children and young people up to their 18th birthday. The service is restructuring, and the new posts are currently being recruited to, the team structure below represents existing posts and those currently being recruited to. Medical Staff 4 Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists (1.8 in post, 2 posts vacant to be recruited to, currently locum cover in place) 1.6 Associate Specialists Consultant Community Paediatrician Fixed term Clinical Fellow Duty & Assessment Duty & Assessment Manager 1 Advanced Nurse Practitioner 3 Nurse Practitioners 9 CAMHS Practitioners 6 Health Care Assistants (currently vacant) Duty & Assessment Administrator Early Intervention Service Manager Early Intervention 7 CAMHS Practitioners 2 Primary Mental Health Workers Early Intervention administrator 1 Assistant Psychologist 1 Parent-Infant Psychotherapist 2 Support Workers Specialist CAMHS Service Manager Specialist CAMHS Service Manager Looked After Children 1 Consultant Clinical Psychologist 4 Psychologists 2 Assistant Psychologists 1 Art Psychotherapist 1 Senior Social Worker 1 Family and Systemic Therapist 5 Nurses (3 Clinical Nurse Specialists, 2 Nurse Practitioners) 1 CAMHS Practitioner 1 PBS Practitioner 1 Dietician (1 day per week) 2 Support workers 1 Health Care Assistant Neurodevelopmental Pathway Neurodevelopmental Pathway Service Manager Consultant Clinical Psychologist 2 Clinical Psychologist 1 Assistant Psychologist 2 Clinical Nurse Prescribers 1 Specialist Nurse 1 Nurse Practitioner Systemic and Family Therapist Occupational Therapist 2 Speech and Language Therapists Neurodevelopmental Pathway Administrators Admin and Informatics Team Manager Quality & Assurance Informatics Officer Office and Administration Manager 3 Medical Secretaries 4 Receptionists Place of Work The CAMHS clinics are mainly based at Liberte House, La Motte Street, St Helier. There are also clinics at the Edith Quenault Centre and Gorey Youth Service. CAMHS is co-located with Childrens Social Care and the Children and Families Hub. In-Patient Provision There is no designated inpatient provision but the team provide flexible intensive packages of care for children and young people with severe or complex mental health difficulties. The packages of care can be provided both for assessment and treatment. The programmes are set up jointly with other services including Paediatrics, Adult Mental Health and Childrens Services (Social Care). The Paediatric and Adult Mental Health teams are supportive in providing in-patient facilities and both the paediatric ward (Robin Ward) and acute adult mental health ward (Orchard House) are used for young people who require admission.Robin Ward will admit young people up to their 17th birthday. All those under 16, and most under 18 admitted to Orchard House are cared for separately to the other in-patients if possible or are under continuous observation for safeguarding reasons. There is a new provision currently being built which will provide facilities for young people to be admitted to an area separate from the main ward. It is anticipated that this may become available from June 2024. When necessary young people can be transferred to the UK for inpatient treatment. This is a full-time post of 40 hours (10 PAs) per week, based at CAMHS, Liberte House. The postholder will be managerially responsible to their supervising consultant and through them to the Lead Consultant for the service.[JS1] The timetable will consist of 9 Clinical Programmed Activities (including administration) and 1 Supporting Professional Activity (SPA). The Clinical PAs will include: direct clinical contact (in the ward), indirect clinical contact (in multi-disciplinary meetings and reviews), and clinical administration. The SPA will include: CPD, audit & quality improvement activity, appraisal, revalidation and educational visits to other parts of the service. The post holder will be provided with a shared office space including a laptop computer. Shortly after appointment a weekly timetable will be agreed between the Lead Consultant and the ADHD service.