Job summary
Wehave a new and exciting opportunity for a HCPC Registered Biomedical Scientistwith expertise in Clinical Bacteriology available on a full time and permanentbasis. We are seeking individuals whoare dedicated to providing a high-quality testing service and are enthusiasticabout mentoring and sharing their knowledge.
OurBacteriology team operates a 24/7 service working predominantly at the HubLaboratory, Lisieux Way, Taunton.
Youwill have the opportunity to work in a laboratory which takes a leading technologicalapproach with state of the art 3rd generation Kiestra TMT system,Bruker MALDI-ToF and Phoenix M50 AST.The department supports testing for the local NHS Trust and primary careproviders.
SYNLAB UK & Ireland haveextensive experience of working in partnership with the NHS to deliver andimprove pathology services through its existing pathology joint ventures -including Southwest Pathology Services (SPS).
At SYNLAB, we believe innurturing a culture of well-being and ensuring our employees are supported bothprofessionally and personally. We offer a Wellbeing Allowance worth up to £1500per annum for our esteemed team members working in Band 2 - 6 roles.
We offer a joining bonus of up to £10,000, relocation package andaccess to SYNLAB benefits scheme.
Main duties of the job
As a BiomedicalScientist within the Bacteriology team, you will perform and interpret routineand specialist testing providing patient centred scientific excellence whilstmaintaining high quality standards in accordance with ISO15189.
You willsupervise, mentor and support other Biomedical Scientists, Trainee BiomedicalScientists, Associate Practitioners and Medical Laboratory Assistants withinyour department, sharing your knowledge, experience and passion for your work.
As a registeredBiomedical Scientist, you will have the responsibility of maintaining fitnessto practice and participate actively in CPD.SPS will commit to support you in developing your skills and knowledgein line with your professional growth and our business interests.
Mostimportantly, through our shared values, you will help to make a positivedifference to the lives, health and wellbeing of those within our communitythat we serve.
About us
SYNLAB UK& Ireland work closely with clinicians, hospitals, occupational healthproviders and clinical researchers to provide a complete pathology offering.
Webelieve our staff are vital to the principle of making a positive difference tohealthcare provision. We promote a culture of continuous personal developmentwhere scientists and staff have the support and resources to acquire new skillsand build their careers through learning and development opportunities,coaching and clear career pathways.
Wepromote an open and collaborative culture where leaders act as role models andfacilitate a two-way communication, engage with staff and stakeholderstransparently and actively encourage feedback and suggestions.
We reserve the right to close any adverts once we have received asufficient number of applications. If you decide to apply for this post but donot hear back from us within two weeks of your application, please assume thatyou have not been short-listed on this occasion.
SYNLAB UK& Ireland is a committed equal opportunities employer and does notunlawfully discriminate on the basis of any status or condition protected byapplicable UK employment law.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Participate in and assist with clinical trials, the development of new tests and research & validation of equipment ensuring at all times compliance with all policies as required by regulatory directives, accreditation bodies and local management policies and practices.
To provide technical advice to clinical staff.
To perform and interpret routine and specialist Biomedical investigations and to participate daily in the scientific and technical activities of the laboratory section under the supervision of senior staff.
Together with Senior staff help ensure compliance with all policies as required by regulatory directives, accreditation bodies andlocal management, including; Clinical Pathology Accreditation (CPA) Southwest Pathology Service policies and SOPs MHRA NHSCSP HTA HFEA Any other body in area of responsibility
Utilise the laboratory LIMS, Q-Pulse quality monitoring system and other application software according to authorised protocols including assisting in computer data entry in all areas of the laboratory, document review, non-conformance review and quality assurance processes.
Communicate efficiently, courteously and with clarity at all times, whether face to face, telephone or electronic methods referring enquiries to senior staff where appropriate. Matters being communicated may include complex information and/or results.
Attend and participate positively in laboratory and other meetings as directed by Laboratory senior staff.
Communicate efficiently, courteously and with clarity at all times, whether face to face, telephone or electronic methods referring enquiries to senior staff where appropriate. Matters being communicated may include complex information and/or results.
Attend and participate positively in laboratory and other meetings as directed by Laboratory senior staff.
As directed by senior laboratory staff, plan and prioritise work allocations, training plans, audits of both yourself and junior staff, responding appropriately to the needs of routine and urgent activities.
Encourage active participation in continuous professional development and support the introduction of new technologies and / or systems by being a change advocate.
Report all incidents and adverse events to senior staff.
Demonstrate on going competency against training plans and participate positively in CPD (continuous professional development) activities.Safety: To observe safety regulations and attend mandatory fire, manual handling and other courses as required.
To assist in the investigations of any incidents.
Participate in risk assessment monitoring.
To ensure that the equipment within area of work is maintained and operated as per SOPs.
To comply with iPP policy for annual mandatory updates and have knowledge of COSHH and Lifting and Handling Policies.
Person Specification
1. HCPC registration, with post registration experience working in a busy Clinical Bacteriology department.
2. To commence employment as a Band 6 Specialist Biomedical Scientist you must have your Specialist Portfolio in Bacteriology or equivalent experience (if HCPC Registration via IBMS Portfolio route).
3. Excellent working knowledge and experience working with Kiestra, BacTec, MALDI-ToF and automated AST platforms.
4. A good understanding of the clinical significance of the results you are producing