To be responsible for the operational delivery of specified services within the Directorate, including the development, implementation and monitoring of effective and efficient systems, policies and procedures. To work with the Divisional and Site Management Team, clinical teams, patient representatives and partner organisations to deliver the operational, financial, performance, governance and activity targets. To be responsible for the development of performance management systems and identifying, analysing and reporting to the Directorate Board on RTT performance and other significant targets across the speciality. To work with Medical, Nursing and Midwifery colleagues on the delivery of key metrics for the service To represent the specialty at relevant BCU-wide committees. With the Directorate General Manager and Deputy Directorate General Manager, performance manage the activities of the Specialty to ensure the achievement of objectives set by Welsh Government and corporately within BCUHB, initiating corrective action where required to meet activity and access targets and to achieve financial balance. To work with service managers and clinicians to ensure the implementation and delivery of such action plans including negotiating and persuading Consultant and other senior staff to change working practices. To be responsible for monitoring and reporting the Directorates progress against these plans to the Directorate. Dedicated lead for the speciality with regards to data analysis, to include analysis of figures for outpatient-based procedures, conversion rates for consultants, and benchmarking with best practice elsewhere. To lead the speciality elements of the Strategic and Operational Planning processes for RTT, and compile the plans in accordance with national and local guidance, which reflects/ supports national and local plans and objectives Participate in the designated Bronze-level on-call rota to ensure the effective running of services over the 24-hour period, taking accountability for the operational management out-of hours. You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac