Job Description Key activities and responsibilities Community engagement and co-creation: To design, manage and deliver activities and events that engage Newham residents in making, experiencing, curating or learning about arts, culture and creativity and to manage the collaborations with artists and partner organisations that this involves. To design, manage and facilitate commissioning processes and methods of co-creation through which community members can take part in decision-making around commissioning and co-designing of activities. To lead on elements of the Culture Within Newham programme and to contribute to setting out the overall programme, strategies and ways of working. To build and maintain a network of external relationships with different community groups across Newham, including (but not limited to) community networks, business communities, local interest groups, resident groups, local schools and colleges, youth groups, children and family groups, faith groups, culturally diverse networks, etc. Many of the groups we work with encounter barriers to participation in culture or society more general, including as a result of language barriers or elements of deprivation. To listen to the needs and interests of local community groups and design activities and programmes in ways that fit these needs, in order to produce engagement opportunities that are welcoming, inclusive and accessible. To book, schedule and manage contractors, sessional staff, commissioned artists, community producers, and volunteers working on Culture Within Newham projects. To represent Culture Within Newham to external stakeholders at community meetings and events across Newham. Community empowerment and development: To manage commission teams of artists, community members and/or arts organisations to develop their projects to the best quality and coach these team members to gain new experience and skills. To design and run workshops and events that empower participants to generate and develop their own ideas for cultural and creative projects in their neighbourhoods. To run and facilitate community panels and steering groups, designing democratic processes that allow them toto make informed decisions about the direction of the cultural programme for Newham. To support artists and arts organisations in working in co-creative ways that centre around community decision-making. To identify and contribute to increasing resources, opportunities, funding and partnership possibilities for cultural and creative engagement work across the borough. Marketing and evaluation: To locate and develop new audiences, as well as grow existing audiences, for Culture Within Newham’s activities and creative programmes through marketing, information sharing, and representing the programme externally. To commission documentation materials from communication contractors (e.g. photographers or videographers) and to work collaboratively with marketing team members and evaluators. To oversee the collection of evaluation data from audiences, partners and commissioned project teams about the events and activities held. Project management and administration: To monitor project budgets and timelines, draft project contracts, oversee project evaluations, and manage all other necessary administration around event production and project management. To draft and prepare materials and planning for activities and events, as well as for community workshops and meetings. To log and report on project activity, keep project partners in the loop, and provide information towards Arts Council progress reporting. To contribute information or project data for funding bids or best practice case study reporting. Other: To travel across Newham to meet partners and build networks across the borough as well as represent Culture Within Newham across the national Creative People and Places programme. To work within the strategies set out by the Culture Within Newham programme and comply with Catch22’s safeguarding, health and safety, equality, risk management, and GDPR policies. Any other duties as may reasonably be expected for the effective delivery of the project. Click here to view the full job description.