Consultant in Intensive Medicine/Anaesthesia
These posts provide an opportunity to pursue a career in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in an (ACSA) accredited department between the spectacular Yorkshire Dales and the cosmopolitan centres of Bradford and Leeds.
Subspeciality interests in regional anaesthesia, perioperative medicine or paediatric anaesthesia can be accommodated. For the intensive care post, we would be interested in applicants with a dual CCT in any specialty including anaesthesia or a single stem ICU CCT (or equivalent).
As well as new Consultants, we welcome applications from established Consultants. There may be the opportunity to modify the draft job plan to accommodate specific commitments or skills. Job plans greater than 10 PAs are also available on request. We encourage informal discussion of this before interviews.
The initial job plan is for 10 PA’s with opportunity for extra PA’s (up to 12 in total). Time is allocated within job plans for any additional responsibilities in addition to SPA time. Professional leave is available for additional responsibilities in addition to study leave.
The successful applicant will be expected to work as part of a team of Consultants and will be required to contribute to the ongoing development of the Department.
Objectives of the posts
1. Provide high quality, safe patient care.
2. Provide anaesthetic services to both elective and emergency patients including Critical Care, obstetrics and inter hospital transfers.
3. Work within multi professional teams to ensure safe and effective care for all patients.
4. Understand and carry out roles required for Major Incident and Trauma Calls.
5. Support clinical performance targets.
Applicants must be on the Specialist Register, or within six months of being admitted to the Register for trainees if currently in a training programme within the UK.
If you are a trainee, currently on a UK training programme, and are not yet on the specialist register, please provide details of your expected CCT date on your application form.
In accordance with the regulations, all other categories of doctors must be on the Specialist Register at the time of their application to be eligible for consideration for a Consultant appointment by the Advisory Appointments Committee.
Please see further details in attached Job pack.
This is a dynamic department, and the successful applicant will be required to contribute to ongoing service development. We expect involvement in our existing quality improvement projects and welcome ideas for new work streams. We strongly encourage leadership development. There is a trust leadership programme in place and study leave is encouraged for this. We also believe in maintaining work life balance. The department has a program of social events, and the Yorkshire Dales is in an area of outstanding natural beauty with many outdoor activities available.
For further details on this vacancy please see the attached job information pack & person specification.