A10 PA week consists of 10 PAs direct clinical care and 1.5 PAs for Supporting Professional Activity (SPA). Job planning will be used to reflect the needs of the department, ensuring that contracted work is appropriately remunerated. An initial job plan review will be undertaken by the Clinical Director after 3 months and annually thereafter, or if the work pattern changes. Any additional PAs contracted by the Trust will be agreed as a separate part of the job plan by mutual consent. The Consultant will have a continuing responsibility for the care of patients in their charge, ensuring safe handover as appropriate. They will take part in a 1:10 hot week on call Rota and 1:10 weekend on-call and may at some time in the future be required to be resident on call within the limits of the new Consultant contract (2003). The unit provides 74.5 hours Consultant presence on Labour Ward by means of a Hot Week from 08:00 hrs. - 17:00 hours with a further presence till 20:30 hours if On Call. The post holder may be required to work additional labour ward sessions 08:00-17:00 as part of contracted job plan.