An exciting and challenging opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic, imaginative and motivated nurse to work with the cardiology team.
The Nurse will function independently and work within a team of nurses, doctors and other medical practitioners. The ideal candidate will currently be working within cardiology and have coronary care experience.
Following a period of induction training you will be expected to work independently within the Emergency Department and Acute Admissions Units assessing and managing patients with cardiac chest pain. Undertake nurse led post MI clinics and deliver Phase one cardiac rehabilitation to patients with confirmed diagnosis of MI. Assess and manage patients with heart failure both in the inpatient and outpatient setting offering education and support to patients, carers and families.
The post holder must exhibit excellent communication and organizational skills. There is scope to develop within the team and acquire the necessary skills for career progression.
The successful candidate would work across all areas of the nursing team but with initial time spent within the ACS service allowing for service progression. The ideal candidate would be a non-medical prescriber or a desire to pursue this quickly upon appointment.
An Enhanced DBS Certificate with the checking of Adults’ Barred Lists is required for this post.
Shortlisting will commence w/c 6.01.2025
Interview Date :TBC
· WorkwithintheexistingACSandHFnursingteamtoprovideservicewithinthetrust demonstrating expert knowledge within the area of ACS and HF
· Autonomously review patients presenting to A&E or AMU with cardiac sounding chest pain or AcuteCoronarySyndrome(ACS).Independentlytakeahistoryfromthepatientandliaisewith clinical teams to facilitate safe discharge, with relevantfollow up, or admission to appropriatearea.
· Autonomously undertake nurse led post myocardial infarction clinics. Assess the patient’s recovery, symptoms and treatment. Then, working within agreed protocols, make recommendationsregardingmedicationsandtreatmentwhilstexercisingjudgement,discretion and decision making in clinical care.
· Independently assess relevant cardiology patients in non-cardiac areas. Request appropriate diagnostic tests; interpret the resultsand provide evidence based management plansbased on the findings. Work with the existing heart failure team to ensure all patients with a suspected diagnosisofheartfailurehaveundergonetherelevantinvestigationswhichwillconfirmorrefutediagnosis
St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is the only acute Trust in Cheshire and Merseyside and one of the few in the country to achieve OUTSTANDING rated by the Care Quality Commission.
We provide a full range of acute adult services to our local population of circa 360,000 and provide tertiary services across the North West, North Wales, and Isle of Man. We are a Major Trauma Unit and the Mersey Regional Burns Unit.
Our '5 Star Patient Care' strategy is at the heart of what we do; supporting our vision to provide world class services for all our patients by getting it right for every patient, every time.
Our latest achievements include:
• Acute Trust of the Year HSJ Awards November 2019
• Trust rated Outstanding by CQC Inspection August 2018
• Top 100 places to work in the NHS (NHS Employers & Health Service Journal)
• Best acute Trust in the North West for quality of care (NHS Staff Survey 2021)
• Best place to work in the North West (NHS Staff Survey 2021)
• Awarded National Preceptorship Accreditation (2023) for our Nursing & AHP Preceptorship Programme
In the NHS Staff Survey 2021 the Trust scored the highest marks in the North West for the following areas:
• Standard of care
• Best place to work
• Care of patients being the Trust’s priority
• Staff engagement
• Staff morale
• Compassionate & inclusive
• Providing safe environments for staff
Please see attached Wellbeing & Benefits booklet for more information on our benefits for staff. Accessible version available upon request.
• Assisttheheartfailureteamtoensurethatallrelevantpatientsareeducated,oncorrect treatment, undergoneappropriateinvestigationsand reviewedat leastonce priortodischarge in accordance with NICE guidelines
· See HF patients in clinic to assess condition, symptoms and treatment. Make changes/additionstocurrentmedicationasappropriateandcommunicatewithGP’sand community nursing team.
· Co-ordinate and implement cardiology care in conjunction with relevant health care professionalsandmulti-disciplinaryteamstoensureappropriateACSandHeartFailure treatment; investigations and follow up are undertaken.
· Discusscomplexpatientswitha seniormemberof the cardiologyteamandtakeappropriate action post discussion.
· Completeariskfactorassessmentandofferappropriatelifestyleadvicewhenappropriate.
· Liaiseand supportprimaryand secondarycare clinicianswith cardiologyclinicalcareandmanagement.
· Administerintravenousferinject/frusemidefordaycasepatientsinaccordancewithagreedprotocol.
· MaintainProfessionalRegistration
· AdheretotheNMCCodeofPracticeandTheScopeofProfessionalPractice
· Identify,contributetoorleadonsomeaspectsindevelopmentand disseminationofevidence- based guidelines, standards and protocols as required to ensure nursing care is appropriate and consistent with clinical guidelines.
· In accordance with theHealthandSocialCareAct2008, thepostholderwillactivelyparticipate in the prevention and control of infection within the capacity of their role. The Act requires the post holder to attend infection prevention and control training on induction and at regular updates and to take responsibility for the practical application of the training in the course of their work. Infection preventionand control mustbe included in anypersonal developmentplan and/or appraisal
· Toreportandrecordanyuntowardincidents
· Toassistinthepromotionofeffectivecommunicationwithall staff,patientsandrelativesand other departments as required
· Offersupervisionandsupporttothecommunityteams
· Offerclinicalsupervisiontoothercolleagues
· Developco-ordinateandparticipateincardiologyeducationandtrainingprogrammesand evaluate their effectiveness for key areas.
· ContributetotheMulti-disciplinaryeducationandtrainingprovision/programmeforhealthcare professionals involved in cardiology complaints.
· Maintainanddeveloppersonalknowledgeandskillsinthefieldof cardiologynursing
· Developauditskillsandundertaketrainingasrequired
· Superviseandsupportjuniordoctorsandnurses,studentsandparamedics
· UndertakerelevantauditprojectsandberesponsibleforcollectingallrequiredinformationsuchasMINAPand NationalHFdata
· Workincollaborationwiththeauditdepartmenttoensurecorrectdataentry
· Inliaisonwiththerelevantaudit departmentsberesponsiblefordevelopinganaudittoolanddatabase
· Provideregularreports/presentationsonperformancetoappropriatepersonnel
· Takeappropriateactiontoimproveperformanceasrequired
· TocomplywiththeDataProtectionPolicyoftheTrust
· Involvementinagreedcardiologyresearchprojectsalongsidethewidercardiologyteamasappropriate
This advert closes on Wednesday 1 Jan 2025
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