1. Keywork: To key work and support clients generally within your project, andto act as the Key Worker to designated clients under MAPPA arrangements.
2. Housing Management: To assist clients to live safely and independently in thecommunity by providing support that enables them to successfully maintain theirtenancy and promotes positive outcomes for them and the wider community theylive in.
3. Risk management: To take an active role in the assessment and managementof risk including the operation of physical and situational security measures tocontrol the level of risk posed to the public, staff and other clients. This mayinclude administering.
4. Client file: To regularly fully utilise the Trust 'Client File' with designated clientsto ensure that they are supported and empowered to achieve appropriateoutcomes. To maintain confidentiality of client and staff data in line with theTrust procedure.
5. Support: To ensure that both prospective and former client are supportedthrough visits and/or correspondence.
6. Client meetings: To manage client meetings and facilitate the Client Inclusionand Training representatives so that they are equipped to reflect the views ofother clients at meetings.
7. Advice and training: To provide other staff and clients with relevant advice,support and training.
8. Involvement: To promote and support client involvement, manage complaintsand seek resolutions.
9. Di...