The post holder will: Provide the organisation with expert support across all contracting areas. This will include support and advice regarding transformational approaches to contracting, recognising changes in legislation which support transformation and delivery programmes. Be responsible for a wide portfolio of contracts Support the contractual requirements across providers in line with national requirements and legislation Establish and develop systems for robust analysis of performance to support transformation, delivery and integration, ensuring that material issues are understood and actions identified, in order to ensure care is provided at the highest quality within resources available. Initiate action plans and engage clinical and professional leadership to drive robust, sustainable services. Investigate and advise on highly complex contractual issues and provide corporate reports and business planning advice in this area. Support the delivery of strategic developments and projects including any associated project plans and act as a key contact for a number of services/providers across health and care. Identify key stakeholders and develop effective relationships, supporting collaborative arrangements and negotiations with providers, as part of the transformation, delivery and improvement function Manage and advise multiple stakeholders and customers on complex issues including delivery of strategy. Produce material for and present complex presentations to large groups which are engaging, influential and effective in delivering key messages, the content of which may include highly complex technical, contentious or very sensitive information Support the identification and monitoring of risk and issues adapting as needed whilst considering a range of comparable options/solutions that can inform the future commissioning of services Use autonomous judgement and initiative, where there may be conflicting views, to respond to communications on complex issues and draft non- standard responses that may include the analysis of technical information. Support the development and implementation of new/existing services, including planning and needs assessment, development/review of service specifications, participating in the procurement process, issuing contractual documentation, supporting mobilisation and ongoing contract management including improvement and performance of services. Develop and lead plans/projects over at least an annual timescale to ensure a variety of contracts mechanisms are agreed within deadlines and monitored proactively to continually improve quality Be responsible for supporting policy development and implementation across the contracting, transformation and across the ICB. Proposing and drafting changes, implementation and interpretation of national policies, guidelines, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) which may impact on the ICB. Develop options and contract mechanisms to support integration, transformation and delivery Develop, implement or review and propose changes to services using an evidence based approach and complete in collaboration with stakeholders. Lead on the review and redesign of all relevant processes within projects and services and ensure that suitable delivery mechanisms are produced (i.e. service specifications). Contribute to the strategic planning of team projects and services, identifying interdependencies, and potential impacts on wider organisation/partners/service users. Line manage staff, undertaking Performance Development Reviews, and managing any employee relations issues Develop a sound project/ commissioning/ contracting schedule that suitably identifies resources and outputs; applying appropriate principles to deliver stated objectives and deadlines Contribute to the development of key performance indicators and outcomes within contracts. Pro-actively identify service improvement needs and opportunities, by complex analysis of data/information, audits or surveys, and prioritise improvement activities. On occasion the postholder may experience dealing with conflicting views across a wide range of stakeholders, where their role is to support collaboration and cohesion. Develop a culture that promotes equality and values diversity. The post holder must be aware of and committed to the Equality and Diversity policies of NHS South Yorkshire ICB, comply with all the requirements of these policies and also actively promote Equality and Diversity issues relevant to the post. Ensure the principles of openness, transparency and candour are observed and upheld in all working practices.